Join us for the fourth annual Royal Mental Hygiene Challenge! 💪🧠

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Are you looking for ways to boost your mental wellness? Join The Royal Mental Hygiene Challenge for 2025!

Hello friends,

In previous years, you may have heard of The Royal’s annual Mental Hygiene Challenge. We’d love to have you participate for the 2025 edition. Here's a rundown of what to expect:

The price: It’s still free!

The platform: Participants still get access to our user-friendly and fulsome Mental Hygiene Resource Toolkit.

The parameters: Spend 10 minutes every day throughout March on simple, research-based activities to support your mental health.

The positive outcomes: Mental hygiene is an excellent way to take care of our mental health. In fact, thanks to surveys filled out by previous participants (THANK YOU!), our researchers were able to show that the Mental Hygiene Challenge had a real and positive impact on people’s wellness scores. Pretty cool, eh?

You can read more about the Mental Hygiene Challenge here and check out our teaser video here!

This year, we've developed more guided meditations, more blueprints to help you get started, and an even more robust research approach.

AND this year, for the first time ever, we're hosting an interactive event focused entirely on mental hygiene! Join us on MARCH 4 at 7 p.m. to learn more about mental hygiene, meet our experts, meet fellow challenge-takers, and ask us questions - click here to learn more.

Whether you completed the challenge last year or not, we encourage you to treat yourself to ten minutes of mental hygiene every day. You deserve it.

Join the challenge today - it starts March 1st, 2025.

Register Now!

Share your experience and follow along on your favourite social media channels using the hashtag #MentalHygieneChallenge. Be sure to join their Facebook group as well!

Ps – Sometimes challenges are even more fun when they’re done with a friend. Feel free to invite a friend, colleague, or loved one so you can do it together.