Niijii Success Stories

Benefits NIIJII students gain from being in the program

A major hurdle for many Indigenous students in obtaining their high school diploma is the successful completion of mandatory science course requirements. The goal of NIIJII is not to make every student a scientist, but to increase the students’ interest in science and school by connecting them with student mentors from Lakehead University.  By creating a one-on-one connection with a real working scientist, the Niijii program strives to provide each student with the encouragement, confidence, and resources needed to succeed in an academic environment. The addition of a career counselling and healthy lifestyles component allows Indigenous youth to not only see their educational and career pathways more clearly, but also promotes healthy fundamental life skills they can carry with them throughout their lives.

The Niijii Indigenous Mentorship Program gives high school students the opportunity to gain valuable university experience by hosting many events on campus, which lets the students become familiar with the campus and the faculty, and ultimately feel more comfortable once they begin their schooling at Lakehead. Niijii students get the opportunity to visit working science labs and conduct experiments on campus, and then produce their own Research Project for the annual Research Project Fair held on campus. The Niijii students gain valuable presenting experience about a topic they are passionate about. 


Student Success Testimonials