Research and Instrumentation
For a list of researchers and descriptions of their projects, see the Faculty Information Page.
The Department of Chemistry and Lakehead University has a number of modern research instruments, for use by researchers in the department. These instruments include:
- nuclear magnetic resonance: Varian Unity Inova 500 MHz NMR
- chromatographic instruments: HPLC, GC-MS, etc.
- FT-IR, UV-vis, fluorescence/phosphorescence spectrometers
- mass spec with ICP, CHN analysis, X-ray diffraction
- scanning electron microscopy including X-ray microanalyser
- SHARCNET computational facilities
Most of the equipment is conveniently located in the University Instrumentation Lab, operated by the University for the benefit of faculty and staff researchers. These instruments are also used by LUCAS, the Lakehead University Centre for Analytical Services, a for-profit instrumentation laboratory that services northwestern Ontario. For more information, see the LUCAS homepage. In addition, professors have individual pieces of equipment that they are usually more than willing to share.