Undergraduate Program Description
First year courses
Literature courses
English 1115: Foundations of Literary Study
An introduction to literary study, focusing on texts from the major genres (drama, poetry, prose) within their historical and cultural contexts. Emphasis will be given to the development of skills in critical analysis, research, writing, and documentation.English/MDST 1116: Native & Newcomer Literatures in Canada: Contact Zones
An introduction to First Nations and settler literature in Canada, focusing on the ways in which the writing of these groups helps to define, negotiate, and critique the relationships between all Canadian treaty people. Texts from a variety of genres, such as fiction, travel and exploration narrative, life writing, poetry, songs, drama and film, will be studied in their historical, political, and cultural contexts.English/MDST 1117: Introduction to Popular Culture
An introduction to the critical study of popular culture, considering definitions of “the popular” and how popular movements, genres, and subcultures emerge and develop. Popular culture theories and their applications will be covered; a variety of cultural texts will be analyzed.English/MDST 1118: Introduction to Film Studies
An introduction to the practices of reading, analyzing, and writing critically about film. Elements including mise-en-scène, cinematography, editing, and sound will be examined. Film form and style in a variety of genres, such as the documentary, experimental film, narrative cinema, and animation, will be covered. Attention will be paid to the role of cinema, and cinema studies, as cultural institutions.Writing courses
English 1014: Introduction to Creative Writing
English 1015: Introduction to Academic Writing
English 1016: Introduction to Professional Writing
An introduction to professional-level standards of composition, revision, editing, research and documentation. A review of English grammar (word and sentence level), rhetorical forms (paragraph level and beyond), and a study of writing in a variety of professional contexts with an emphasis on assessing rhetorical situations and crafting messages to inform and persuade diverse audiences in a variety of forms and formats.Second Year Courses
ENGL 2012 FA Creative Writing: Prose Fiction
ENGL 2014 FA Professional Writing
ENGL 2115 FDE Shakespeare
ENGL 2250 FA/FAO History of English Literature I
ENGL/INDI 2510 FA/FAO Global Literatures in English
ENGL/WOME 2810FA: Gender, Sexuality & the Body
ENGL 2817 FAO Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
ENGL 2913 FAO Intro Lit and Cultural Theories
ENGL 2916 FA/FAO Popular Texts and Forms
WINTER 2025:
ENGL 2012 WAO: Creative Writing: Prose Fiction
ENGL 2013 WA Creative Writing: Poetry
ENGL 2251 WA/WAO History of English Literature II
ENGL/INDI 2717WA/WAO Indigenous Lit in Canada
ENGL/WOME 2810 WA/WAO Gender, Sexuality & the Body in Literature
ENGL/MDST 2950 WA/WDE Science Fiction
Third year courses
Fourth year courses
ENGL 4014 FA Victorian Life Writing
ENGL 4014 FAO/FB William Blake & Visual Poetics
ENGL/MDST 4114 FA Honours Seminar Film Studies
ENGL/MDST 4114 FDE Postcolonial & Diasporic Cinema