Full-Time Program Plan

We suggest that all students in the full-time PhD in Health Sciences program complete the following:

  • Full-time students must complete all requirements within 12 terms (4 years)

Note: For detailed information about each course, see our University Calendar.

*Qualitative Analysis is offered in the Winter term.

*Biostatistics II is offered in the Spring/Summer term.





Year 1

HESC 6010: Emerging Issues in Health Sciences

Elective #1

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)


*HESC 6030: Special Topics in Research Methodology (depend on methods)

Elective #2

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)


HESC 6020: Comprehensive Exam (HESC 9020 - placeholder)

*HESC 6030: Special Topics in Research Methodology (depend on methods)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)

Year 2

HESC 6020: Comprehensive Exam (9020 - placeholder)

 HESC 6050: Research Seminar (9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6040: Research Internship (9040 - placeholder)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation
(9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 placeholder) – **Dissertation proposal defence by August 31st

Year 3

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation
(9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation
(9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

Year 4

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation

(9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation

(9900 - placeholder) – Dissertation defence

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder) **Dissertation defence by August 31st

Flexible Full-Time Program Plan

We suggest that all students in the Flexible full-time PhD in Health Sciences program complete the following:

  • Flexible full-time students must complete all requirements within 24 terms (8 years)

Note: For detailed information about each course, see our University Calendar.

*Qualitative Analysis is offered in the Winter term

*Biostatistics II is offered in the Spring/Summer term





Year 1

HESC 6010: Emerging Issues in Health Sciences

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6030: Special Topics in Research Methodology (depend on methods)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6030: Special Topics in Research Methodology (depend on methods)

Elective #1

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)


Year 2

Elective #2

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)


HESC 6020: Comprehensive Examination (HESC 9020 - placeholder)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6020: Comprehensive Examination (HESC 9020 - placeholder)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)

Year 3

HESC 6020: Comprehensive Examination (HESC 9020 - placeholder)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6040: Research Internship (HESC 9040 - placeholder)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)

HESC 6040: Research Internship (HESC 9040 - placeholder)

HESC 6050: Research Seminar (HESC 9050 - placeholder)

Year 4

HESC 6040: Research Internship (HESC 9040 - placeholder)

HESC 6060 - PhD Dissertation

(9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder) –

**Dissertation proposal by August 31st

Year 5

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

Year 6

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

Year 7

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

Year 8

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder)

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder) 

HESC 6060: PhD Dissertation (9900 - placeholder) –

**Dissertation defence by August 31st