6th Annual Military Sympsium - Post-Combat and Recognition
Each fall the Department of History, Lake Superior Scottish Regiment, the HMCS Griffon, and the Thunder Bay Branch of the Canadian International Council partners to hold a free symposium focusing on issues relating to the Canadian Forces.
This year's symposium is focused on issues surrounding Post Combat and Recognition and will be held on 25 November. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Christopher McCreery, MVO, FRCGS FRHSC. He will speak on "Canada’s Afghanistan Experience and the Coming of age of the Canadian Honours System."
The complete 'at a glance' program can be downloaded by clicking here.
Additional partners include the Ontario Historical Society, Thunder Bay Military Museum, Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society, Northwestern Ontario Archivists' Association, Lakehead University Library Archives, Lakehead University Alumni Bookstore, Rose N' Crantz Roasting Company, and the Thunder Bay Public Library.
More information about the annual symposium can be found at https://www.lakeheadu.ca/academics/departments/history/annual-military-symposium