History for Brunch - Blackouts-Lockouts in Barcelona: the 100th anniversary of the La Canadiense strike and the eight-hour work day
Event Date:
Monday, March 18, 2019 - 10:00am to 11:20am EDT
Event Location:
Thunder Bay - AT 2021 and Orillia - OA 3007
Event Fee:
Free. Everyone is welcome.
Event Contact Name:
Gail FIkis
Event Contact E-mail:
Event Contact Web:
History for Brunch on 18 March will feature a short presentation and discussion by Dr. Nicolas Lépine, "Blackouts-Lockouts in Barcelona: the 100th anniversary of the La Canadiense strike and the eight-hour work day."
History for Brunch is an opportunity to put a bit of History in your diet and for members of the community and the Department of History to showcase their current research.
More information about the sessions can be found on the Department of History website (history.lakeheadu.ca) and on our Facebook page (facebook.com/lakeheadhistory)