2003 - 2006 Colloquium Series
Mathematics Colloquium (2003-2004)
Tuesdays 12:30 – 1:30 PM
RB 1047 (Bring your lunch.)
Sept. 24
Dr. A. Dean - Invariants in topology and analysis
Oct. 15
Dr. G. Lee - A Conjecture on Zassenhaus on Group Rings
Nov. 12
Dr. Klimov - Star Product and differential Calculus for SU(2) quasidistribution functions
Nov. 26
Dr. D. Li - A Generalization of the Hartman-Wintner-Strassen LIL
Feb. 24
Dr. A. Van Tuyl - Hilbert Functions and Macaulay’s Growth Theorem
Mar. 9
Dr. Y. Chen - Putnam-Fuglede Theorems for Elementary Operators
Mar. 23
J.B. Whitfield - Non-commutative Abstract Harmonic Analysis
Mar. 30
Dr. H. De Guise - Phase quantization and the geometry of SU(n) weight space
Mathematics Colloquium (2004-2005)
Sept. 29
Dr. Fridolin Ting - Stability of pinned fundamental vortices
Oct. 13
Dr. Paul Milnes U. of Western Ontario Host: Dr. Miao - Group actions: semidirect product and flows
Oct. 27
Dr. Tianxuan Miao Lakehead U. - Unit elements in the double dual of a subalgebra of the Fourier Algebra A(G)
Nov. 10
Andrew Douglas U. of Toronto Host: Dr. de Guise - On Finite Dimensional Indecomposable Representations of E(2)
Jan. 25
Dr. Adam Van Tuyl Lakehead U. - Establishing a dictionary between Commutative Algebra and Graph Theory
Feb. 22
Dr. Yin Chen Lakehead U. - On Anderson’s Inequality
Mar. 8
Dr. Greg Lee Lakehead U. - Group Representations and Skew Elements in Group Rings
Mar. 29
Dr. Wendy Huang Lakehead U. - Stochastic Programming Models - Applications in Finance
Apr. 8
Dr. Min Huang and Kiwei Yuan Lakehead U.- Numerical approximations of nonlinear heat radiation problems
Apr. 29
Dr. Nico Spronk University of Waterloo Host: Dr. Monica Illie- Operator Segal Algebras in Fourier Algebras
May 18
Dr. Jiahua Chen University of Waterloo Host: Dr. Deli Li - The Universal Validity of the Possible Triangle Constraint of the Affected-Sib-Pairs
Mathematics Colloquium (2005-06)
Thursdays, 2:30pm-3:30pm Room: 3049
Sept. 29
Dr. Fridolin Ting Lakehead U. - Instability of pinned fundamental and Asymptotic Stability in Gradient case
Oct. 18
Adi Tcaciuc University of Alberta Host: Dr. Anisca - Asymptotic Banach spaces
Oct. 27
Dr. Clement Kent Dr. Lakehead U. - A partial look at the foundations of mathematics. (Part 1)
Nov. 17
Dr. Adam Van Tuyl Lakehead U. - Connections between graph theory and commutative algebra
Nov. 24
Dr. Clement Kent Lakehead U. - A partial look at the foundations of mathematics. (Part 2)
Dec. 13
Dr. Ross Stokke U. of Winnipeg Host: Dr. Monica Ilie - Approximate and pseudo-amenability of the Fourier Algebra
Jan. 26
Dr. Monica Ilie Lakehead U. - Piecewise affine maps and the Fourier algebras of locally compact groups
Mar. 9
Dr. Yin Chen Lakehead U. - Math Puzzles
Mar. 16
Dr. Razvan Anisca Lakehead U - TBA
Mar. 17 - Room RB3047, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Dr. Yongcheng Qi U. Minnesota at Duluth Host: Dr. Deli Li - Confidence Regions for High Quantiles of a Heavy Tailed Distribution
Mar. 23
Shawn Desaulniers U. of Alberta Host: Dr. Monica Ilie - TBA