CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund (Unaffiliated) - Internal Deadline: January 31, 2020


All faculty members with tenured or tenure-track positions at Lakehead University are invited to submit applications to Lakehead University’s internal 2020 Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) competition.  The deadline for the internal competition will be January 31, 2020.   Please note that up to $350,000 (CFI portion only) from Lakehead's JELF allocation has been allocated to this competition to support a total investment of up to $875,000 in research infrastructure.  Researchers are required to secure the required 20% matching funds in order to be eligible to apply.


Internal Review of Applications

In order to support research excellence and ensure fairness and transparency in the distribution of these funds, applications will be reviewed internally by an internal CFI JELF peer review committee who will rank the applications and then make recommendations to the Vice-President Research, and Innovation. 

Eligibility and Application Process
The JELF "enables a select number of an institution’s excellent researchers to undertake leading-edge research by providing them with the foundational research infrastructure required to be or become leaders in their field. In turn, this enables institutions to remain internationally competitive in areas of research and technology development, aligned with their strategic priorities."

The candidate(s) listed on the proposal must be:

  • A recognized leader or have demonstrated the potential for excellence in the proposed research field(s);

  • Engaged in or embarking upon research/ technology development that is original, internationally competitive and of high quality; and

  • A current faculty member with a full-time academic appointment or a candidate that the institution is in the process of recruiting to a full-time academic position in an area of strategic importance.

The JELF is intended to serve the infrastructure needs of individual faculty, or groups of up to three faculty members where there is a need to share infrastructure.

Priority will be given to early career researchers, and infrastructure that will be shared (small group applications). Candidates who have previously been supported through the JELF, Leaders Opportunities Fund, New Opportunities Fund or Canada Research Chairs Infrastructure Fund are eligible for funding under the JELF; however a justification of the value-added of a subsequent award is required. Application forms and guidelines are available by referring to the CFI's website.

Candidates must be recognized leaders in their field of research, or show promise of becoming research leaders. They must be engaged in, or embarking on, an innovative research program for which the infrastructure is essential and which will provide an enriched research training environment. CFI JELF  applications must also fit with the research priorities outlined in Lakehead University's Research Plan

In addition to meeting general CFI eligibility requirements, infrastructure items for JELF candidates must be essential for the research program of the candidate(s). If the requested items have been purchased or received, they must be obtained as an in-kind contribution no more than six months before the date of submission of the application to the CFI.


Required Components for a Complete Application

Complete CFI JELF applications for the internal competition must be submitted to the Office of Research Services by the internal deadline in both digital and paper format and must consist of:

  1. CFI JELF Application Forms (CFI Award Management System)- Please use John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) – Unaffiliated version of the form.
  2. CFI Request for Quotations Form plus one quote for each major equipment item.
  3. CFI Internal Budget Worksheet and one quotation in CFI format for all equipment/renovation items.
  4.  Letter from the relevant dean confirming support for application and confirming space. Space must be confirmed by the internal application deadline.   
  5. Projects requiring renovations* must include: 
  • a cost estimate obtained prior to the internal application deadline 
  • Evidence of the required cash contributions to offset the 20% matching fund requirements.

       6.  Completed Internal Research Proposal Approval Form

 *Please note that if renovations are not required as part of acquiring and installing the requested infrastructure, the applicant(s) must indicate in the CFI application why renovations are not required.


CFI Funding Formula and Matching Funds

Please note that the CFI JELF program will contribute up to 40% towards infrastructure costs, the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade's Ontario Research Fund will contribute 40% and the remaining 20% must be found from other sources by the researcher. Funds from CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC, as well as Tri-Council programs (e.g. the Networks of Centres of Excellence and the Canada Research Chairs) are not considered to be acceptable funding partners. However, the CFI will allow the cost of eligible item(s) to be covered in part by the aforementioned funding sources, provided that this portion is not used to leverage CFI funds. Equipment discounts beyond the best educational price are eligible as in-kind contributions towards the 20% matching funds required.

CFI JELF applications must include confirmation of the 20% matching funds. If the matching funds are to be provided by the private sector or other external agency, a letter of support outlining their commitment must accompany the application. If the 20% matching fund is provided in the form of a "discount beyond best educational price" by a supplier, a copy of the quotation must be included showing:

1. List Price

2. Best Educational Price

3. Discount Beyond Best Educational Price (the in-kind or CFI contribution)

4. Net CFI Price

Researchers must use Lakehead University's CFI Request for Quotations Form to ensure quotations meet CFI eligibility requirements. A CFI Internal budget worksheet must be completed and submitted along with copies of the equipment quotations used to complete the CFI form. Note that only "discounts beyond best educational price" are eligible. If you have any doubts regarding the eligibility of your matching funds, please call Anne Klymenko or Andrew Hacquoil in the Office of Research Services for advice.

Please note that LU start-up grants may be used towards the 20% matching fund requirement whether it has been spent during the 6 months prior to the CFI JELF external deadline (June 15, 2020) or will be spent on research infrastructure. Funds from start-up grants are to be shown as a cash contribution from the institution, not in-kind (as per CFI guidelines). It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all in-kind contributions are eligible in accordance with CFI's guidelines.


Renovations to Space

Requests for renovations to new space (not currently allocated to the applicant) must be approved by the Lakehead University’s Space Committee prior to the internal deadline. Researchers should be aware that renovation costs can also include such expenses as changes to a space in order to accommodate a piece of equipment that has special power requirements, or environmental cooling (for example). If an application is to include renovations in the budget, researchers must contact Kevin Schlyter in Physical Plant far in advance of the January 31, 2020 internal deadline to arrange for a cost estimate. Applications that do not accurately reflect costs may be deemed ineligible for consideration. Additional information is available on-line at the Lakehead University Physical Plant website.  

Should you have any questions regarding the CFI JELF program, please contact Anne Klymenko at ext. 8223. Additional information regarding the CFI program can be obtained by referring to the following website: CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund.





Call for Nominations: Community-Engaged Research Award

Community-engaged research is a collaborative process between universities and diverse communities. The goal of such research is to improve community well-being and to describe, through participatory knowledge creation and creative expression, how this is accomplished. Community-engaged research respects the capacity of all stakeholders to contribute to the development of new knowledge and incorporates them in the design, conduct and dissemination of the different phases of the research process. Community-engaged research is founded upon the principles of social responsibility, respect, reciprocity, democratization of knowledge creation, and social and/or ecological justice.
Lakehead University has a long history and reputation of excellence in community engagement, regionally, nationally and internationally. Lakehead University’s commitment to social justice is a stated priority in the University’s Strategic Plan. We believe that by working together we can make a positive difference and contribute to a more sustainable, just and healthy society.
Through this prestigious award, Lakehead University aims to recognize community-engaged research projects, along with the researchers, students and community partners who have made those projects possible. The Community-Engaged Research Award will be given annually to individuals/teams of Lakehead University faculty members, students and community organizations in recognition of a community-engaged research project they have conducted that has had a positive and/or transformative impact. Although this award recognizes both the project and the researcher(s) who conducted it, evaluation is based on the impact of one specific project, rather than on a researcher’s overall research program. The project should be at a point (ie. completed or near completion) where evidence of impact can be demonstrated.
Applications should be submitted by December 15, 2019 by 11:59 pm through the ROMEO research portal.
For the full guidelines, including how to apply, please click here.

NOHFC Regular (administrative) Internships: One Position Available

Regular (administrative) Internships:  One Position Available

Lakehead University will have one NOHFC administrative-related internship (out of its quota of two administrative-related placements) becoming available in late fall through the NOHFC Northern Ontario Internship Program.  The internal deadline for the submission of regular internship applications to the Office of Research ( is November 29, 2019. If more than one application is received, an internal competition will need to be held to determine which application will be submitted to the NOHFC.  Final decisions will be made by the Executive Team Working Group. Applications on are completed on the NOHFC site.  Once complete, please either submit a paper or an electronic copy to Andrew Hacquoil, Research Grants Officer, at  Do not submit your application on the NOHFC site.

Under the administrative call, preference will be given to applications from Lakehead University administrative units.


General Information on NOHFC Youth Internship Program

Under the internship program, Funding is available for organizations located in Northern Ontario to provide first time full-time employment in a related field to recent university and  college graduates. The program will support innovation, economic/community development and capacity building within communities. Through this program, eligible not-for-profit and public sector organizations located in Northern Ontario are potentially eligible to receive a conditional contribution of up to 90 percent of a recent graduate’s salary to a maximum contribution of $31,500. Please note that the NOHFC contribution does not include benefits costs. Benefits costs (an additional 14%) are the responsibility of the grantee (in addition to the remaining 10% of the intern's salary).

It is important to note that NOHFC funding under this program, when combined with other provincial and federal government sources, will generally not exceed 90 per cent of eligible costs for public sector employers. Applications will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • The opportunity for the internship to result in a full-time permanent job 
  • The quality of the skill development opportunity 
  • The type of training being proposed by the employer, and
  • The work plan/supervision method. Direct supervision must be provided daily by an onsite supervisor.
For more information about the program, please click here.

Early Researcher Award Round 15: Internal Call for Proposals

In the past, Lakehead University has been successful in securing awards through the previous rounds of the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade’s Early Researcher Award (ERA) program.  The funds are to be used over a period of five years to fund eligible expenses for a research team of undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research assistants, associates, and technicians.

Eligible Applicants
Lakehead University invites early career researchers who meet the ERA program criteria, to apply to the 2019 internal ERA competition.  You are eligible to apply for this award if you:
  • are full-time faculty or a principal investigator who, at the application deadline, are based at an eligible institution;
  • have started your academic career on or after January 1, 2014;
  • have completed your first Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree, Medical Doctor or terminal degree on or after January 1, 2009;
  • have not already held an Early Researcher Award, and 
  • not a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair.  
To be competitive, researchers are encouraged to be actively involved in conducting research that has been supported by peer-reviewed funding and to demonstrate academic independence from previous supervisors.

Available Amount/Number of Lakehead University Applications
Under this program, an ERA award to a leading researcher is worth a maximum of $100,000 and must be matched by an additional $50,000. For this competition, Lakehead University will provide the required matching contribution of $50,000 ($10,000 per year over 5 years) towards two applications. If researchers, however, are able to access funds from other sources to meet the matching requirement, Lakehead will consider submitting more than two meritorious ERA applications. Please note that awards administered by the federal granting councils (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) are not eligible partner contributions.

Internal ERA Deadlines
1.  July 2, 2019:  Potential applicants are required to e-mail the Office of Research ( by July 2 to a) indicate their intention to apply to the ERA program, and b) to provide our office with a list of five external individuals (who are not in a conflict of interest with you) who our office can approach to write a letter of reference for the applicant's ERA application.  Please note the ERA program's guidelines for reference letters:
  • 1 of the reference letters must be from a former supervisor, mentor, collaborator or corporate sponsor familiar with the researcher
  • At least 2 of the reference letters must be from arm’s length sources (i.e., arm’s length referees must not have a conflict of interest by having a personal link with the researcher, or by being a colleague, a research collaborator or a corporate sponsor of the researcher)
  • it is recommended that the arm’s length letters be from researchers of international stature familiar with the researcher’s work
2.  July 15, 2019:  ERA applicants are required to submit their ERA research proposals and CVs to the Office of Research by July 15 so that our office can forward the information to the external reference letter writers.

3.  August 27, 2019:  Full Applications,using the ERA form, are due in the Office of Research Services no later than August 27, 2019 and will be reviewed by the Lakehead University Senate Research Committee (SRC) to determine which application(s) will be submitted to the ERA program.
For More Information
The official call for this program can be found on the  Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade  website.  The information includes a complete list of ineligible partner contributions, eligible expenses, evaluation criteria, application forms and letter of reference requirements, etc.

CFI 2019 Innovation Fund (IF): Internal Call for Notices of Intent to Apply - Deadline: May 31, 2019

Internal Planning Process for Upcoming CFI IF Call for Proposals

  • Notices of Intent (NOIs) to apply are due to the ORS by May 31, 2019 
  • To access the draft CFI call (which includes the CFI's timelines), click here.

The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) has issued a call for large research infrastructure projects under the 2019 Innovation Fund.  The objectives of the 2019 Innovation Fund (IF) are to:


  • Enable global leadership by supporting world–class research or technology development. 
  • Enhance and optimize the capacity of institutions and research communities to conduct the proposed research or technology development program(s).   
  • Lead to social, health, environmental and/or economic benefits for Canadians.

The Office of Research Services would like to invite all full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members and research centres to submit CFI IF NOIs with infrastructure project proposals that would be competitive under the IF.  


The CFI’s Challenge to Institutions

It is important to note that for this competition (to access the draft CFI call, click here), the CFI has stated that the proposed research infrastructure projects should:

•Be of appropriate maturity and offer the best potential for transformative impact.

•Allow teams and institutions to build on established capacity to accelerate current research and technology development or to enhance emerging strategic priority areas

.•Enable teams to fully exploit research infrastructure and drive world–class research.

For purposes of the 2019 IF competition, the CFI has placed a limit on the total value of funding that an eligible institution can request from this fund.  Lakehead University’s institutional envelope is $3,100,000 (representing CFI’s 40% of project costs). No application that exceeds Lakehead’s CFI institutional envelope will be considered.
Eligible infrastructure projects 
  • An eligible project involves acquiring or developing research infrastructure to both increase research capacity and support world–class research. 
  • Construction costs to build new space or to renovate existing space (including fitting out existing space) are eligible but a plan to secure the 20% matching funds must be presented. 
The CFI will provide up to 40% of the total project cost.  We also anticipate that the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade’s Ontario Research Fund (ORF) will fund an additional 40% with the remaining 20% of the funding to be provided by eligible funding partners (for example, in-kind contributions in the form of special discounts from equipment suppliers on infrastructure items beyond the best educational price).

It is important to note that for this competition, the CFI will only consider proposals whose total project costs are greater than $1 million.


Submission Requirements

The NOI forms are not yet available in the CFI Awards Management System (CAMS).  However, for purposes of this internal call, researchers are asked to still compile and submit the information required to complete their NOIs following the instructions/requirements found for the NOI in the draft call.   For more information, please click here (and see "Part 2 How to Apply").

Researchers should create free form NOIs covering the following content (again, please see the draft IF call for the required content/space limits for each of these sections):

*Project information (project title, lead applicant, total project costs, amount requested from the CFI).

*Project summary

*Collaborating institutions


*Project description

*Suggested reviewers

In addition, researchers are required to attach the following to their NOIs:

  1. Equipment quotations from vendors (showing, list, educational and CFI discounts and prices ) plus copies of the CFI Request for Quotations Form
  2. CFI Internal Budget Worksheet and one quotation in CFI format for all equipment/renovation items
  3.  Letter from the relevant dean confirming support for application and confirming space. Space must be confirmed by the internal application deadline.  Projects requiring renovations must include a cost estimate prior to the internal application deadline, as well as the required cash contributions to offset the 20% matching fund requirements.
  4.  Completed Internal Research Proposal Approval Form


Researchers are reminded that the proposed CFI IF project should meet the following CFI criteria:    

• Research or technology development — The research or technology development program(s) are innovative, feasible and internationally competitive.

• Team — The diverse team comprises the breadth of expertise needed to conduct the proposed program(s).

• Research capacity — The institutions and their partners have the necessary research capacity on which this proposal will build.

• Infrastructure — The requested infrastructure is necessary and appropriate to conduct the proposed program(s).  •Sustainability — The infrastructure will be optimally used, operated and sustained over its useful life through tangible commitments.

• Benefits — The team and its partners have a well–defined plan to transfer the results of the research or technology development program(s). The results are likely to lead to social, health, environmental, and/or economic benefits for Canadians.


Should you have any questions regarding the CFI IF competition or internal CFI planning process, please contact  Anne Klymenko at ext. 8223 or via email:

CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund (Unaffiliated) - Internal Deadline: July 30, 2019

Subject: CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund  (Unaffiliated) - Internal Deadline: July 30, 2019


All full-time faculty members with tenured or tenure-track positions at Lakehead University are invited to submit applications to Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) for Lakehead University’s internal 2019 competition.  The deadline for the internal competition will be July 30, 2019.   Please note that up to $200,000 (CFI portion only) from Lakehead's JELF allocation has been allocated to this competition to support a total investment of up to $500,000 in research infrastructure.  Researchers have to secure the required 20% matching funds in order to be eligible to apply.


Internal Review of Applications

In order to support research excellence and ensure fairness and transparency in the distribution of these funds, applications will be reviewed internally by an internal CFI JELF peer review committee  who will rank the applications and then make recommendations to the Vice-President Research, and Innovation.


Eligibility and Application Process
The JELF "enables a select number of an institution’s excellent researchers to undertake leading-edge research by providing them with the foundational research infrastructure required to be or become leaders in their field. In turn, this enables institutions to remain internationally competitive in areas of research and technology development, aligned with their strategic priorities."

The candidate(s) listed on the proposal must be:

  • A recognized leader or have demonstrated the potential for excellence in the proposed research field(s);
  • Engaged in or embarking upon research/technology development that is original, internationally competitive and of high quality; and
  • A current faculty member with a full-time academic appointment or a candidate that the institution is in the process of recruiting to a full-time academic position in an area of strategic importance.

The JELF is intended to serve the infrastructure needs of individual faculty, or groups of up to three faculty members where there is a need to share infrastructure. The JELF is not intended to serve the infrastructure needs of larger groups, centres, departments, or institutions. 

Priority will be given to early career researchers, and infrastructure that will be shared (small group applications). Candidates who have previously been supported through the JELF, Leaders Opportunities Fund, New Opportunities Fund or Canada Research Chairs Infrastructure Fund are eligible for funding under the JELF; however a justification of the value-added of a subsequent award is required. Application forms and guidelines are available by referring to the CFI's website.

Candidates must be recognized leaders in their field of research, or show promise of becoming research leaders. They must be engaged in, or embarking on, an innovative research program for which the infrastructure is essential and which will provide an enriched research training environment. CFI JELF  applications must also fit with the research priorities outlined in Lakehead University's draft Research Plan.

In addition to meeting general CFI eligibility requirements, infrastructure items for JELF candidates must be essential for the research program of the candidate(s). If the requested items have been purchased or received, they must be obtained as an in-kind contribution no more than six months before the date of submission of the application.


Required Components for a Complete Application

Complete CFI JELF applications for the internal competition must be submitted to the Office of Research Services by the internal deadline in both digital and paper format and must consist of:

  1. CFI LOF Application Forms (CFI Award Management System)- Please use John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) – Unaffiliated version of the form.
  2. CFI Request for Quotations Form
  3. CFI Internal Budget Worksheet and one quotation in CFI format for all equipment/renovation items
  4.  Letter from the relevant dean confirming support for application and confirming space. Space must be confirmed by the internal application deadline.  Projects requiring renovations must include a cost estimate prior to the internal application deadline, as well as the required cash contributions to offset the 20% matching fund requirements.
  5.  Completed Internal Research Proposal Approval Form


CFI Funding Formula and Matching Funds

Please note that the CFI JELF will contribute up to 40% towards infrastructure costs, the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade's Ontario Research Fund will contribute 40% and the remaining 20% must be found from other sources by the researcher. Funds from CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC, as well as Tri-Council programs (e.g. the Networks of Centres of Excellence and the Canada Research Chairs) are not considered to be acceptable funding partners. However, the CFI will allow the cost of eligible item(s) to be covered in part by the aforementioned funding sources, provided that this portion is not used to leverage CFI funds. Equipment discounts beyond the best educational price are eligible as in-kind contributions towards the 20% matching funds required.

CFI JELF applications must include confirmation of the 20% matching funds. If the matching funds are to be provided by the private sector or other external agency, a letter of support outlining their commitment must accompany the application. If the 20% matching fund is provided in the form of a "discount beyond best educational price" by a supplier, a copy of the quotation must be included showing:

1. List Price

2. Best Educational Price

3. Discount Beyond Best Educational Price

4. Net Price

Researchers must use Lakehead University's CFI Request for Quotations Form to ensure quotations meet CFI eligibility requirements. A CFI Internal budget worksheet must be completed and submitted along with copies of the equipment quotations used to complete the CFI form. Note that only "discounts beyond best educational price" are eligible. If you have any doubts regarding the eligibility of your matching funds, please call Anne Klymenko or Andrew Hacquoil in the Office of Research Services for advice.

Please note that LU start-up grants may be used towards the 20% matching fund requirement whether it has been spent during the 6 months prior to the CFI JELF external deadline (October 15, 2019) or will be spent on research infrastructure. Funds from start-up grants are to be shown as a cash contribution from the institution, not in-kind (as per CFI guidelines). It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all in-kind contributions are eligible in accordance with CFI's guidelines.


Renovations to Space

Requests for renovations to new space (not currently allocated to the applicant) must be approved by the Lakehead University’s Space Committee prior to the internal deadline. Researchers should be aware that renovation costs can also include such expenses as changes to a space in order to accommodate a piece of equipment that has special power requirements, or environmental cooling (for example). If an application is to include renovations in the budget, researchers must contact Anne Klymenko in the Office of Research Services immediately to arrange for a cost estimate. Applications that do not accurately reflect costs may be deemed ineligible for consideration. Additional information is available on-line at the Lakehead University Physical Plant website.  

Should you have any questions regarding the LOF program, please contact Anne Klymenko at ext. 8223. Additional information regarding the CFI program can be obtained by referring to the following website: CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund.


Internal Call for Proposals: 2019-2020 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Competition

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is a very prestigious fellowship program that provides funding to the very best of postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally.  The program expects that these postdocs will positively contribute to Canada's "economic, social and research-based growth."
The specific objectives of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program are to:
  • attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally
  • develop their leadership potential
  • position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow
Because of the fact that the Banting program expects universities to submit applications for the best candidates, in order to select the most meritorious applicants for endorsement, the following deadlines/procedure will be followed for this year's competition:
1.  Banting submissions from potential candidates are due in the Office of Research Services no later than July 19, 2019.  Banting applications received after this date will not be considered.
2.  Submissions received by the internal deadline will be reviewed by the Senate Research Committee and feedback provided to the candidate by August 9, 2019.
3.  Final Banting submissions will be due internally September 4.  
4.  The required University letter of support will be provided to candidates by September 11. 
University Support
Please note that for the purposes of submission, Lakehead University is willing to make the following contributions to Bantings that are submitted through our internal process:
For Banting applications ultimately successful in the national competition,  the VP Research and Innovation (VPRI) will contribute a minimum of $5,000.  In addition, the VPRI will contribute an additional $2,500 if matched by an additional $2,500 from the respective Faculty dean for a potential institutional contribution of $10,000.  The match from the Dean must be requested by the proposed postdoctoral fellow supervisors and confirmed in writing.

CFI 2019 Innovation Fund (IF): Internal Call for Expressions of Interest

Deadline:  February 15, 2019

The Office of Research Services would like to encourage all full-time tenure-track and tenured faculty members and research centres to start planning for the next CFI IF call for proposals.   At this time, faculty submissions will not be evaluated but will be used to seek opportunities for collaboration among researchers, other academic institutions and partners. Once the CFI issues a formal call for proposals (Notice of Intent (NOI) to apply), the Vice-President Research and Innovation will then formally issue an internal call for NOIs for evaluation. 

Since no information has been provided by the CFI at this time for the 2019 IF competition, for purposes of this internal call, researchers are asked to use  Lakehead University’s previous institutional envelope of $3,400,000 (representing CFI’s 40% of project costs) when preparing their EOIs. CFI awards will be available to fund the acquisition or development of research infrastructure to increase research capacity (including construction or renovation costs) and the CFI will provide up to 40% of the total project cost.  We are also continuing to assume that the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade's Ontario Research Fund (ORF) will fund an additional 40% with the remaining 20% of the funding to be provided by eligible funding partners (for example, in-kind contributions in the form of special discounts from equipment suppliers on infrastructure items beyond the best educational price).

When preparing their EOIs, researchers are encouraged to review CFI's discussion paper entitled Conversation on the future of Research and Research Infrastructure in Canada: role of the Canada Foundation for Innovation for information on some of the CFI's general future visions.  Researchers who are looking to improve chances of success with this program are strongly encouraged to seek partnerships for the CFI Innovation Fund.  Those CFI IF applications funded in previous competitions have been from institutions with strong partnerships with other academic partners as well as partners in the private sector.


Submission Requirements

(includes proposals in which Lakehead is the lead institution or has been asked to contribute part of its CFI allocation to another institution's submission)

Expressions of Interest submitted should be no more than two (2) pages, including the budget estimate, and must include the following information:

1. Name of Principal Applicant, Co-applicants (and their academic institutions) and potential external partners.

2. Project Title.

3. General Objectives – Describe how your proposed project meets the requirements and vision of the IF program.

4.  A brief description of the proposed research project.

5.  A budget estimate and list of potential equipment.       

6.  How the proposed research project fits with the research priority areas outlined in the Lakehead University Academic/Research Plan.

Should you have any questions regarding the CFI IF competition or internal CFI planning process, please contact  Anne Klymenko at ext. 8223 or via email:

Building Research Capacity at Lakehead University Award

Dedicated researchers at Lakehead University continue to actively collaborate in university-wide
initiatives such as preparation of significant research proposals and engaging in other unique
research capacity building strategies. Lakehead University values the drive and dedication of its
researchers and applauds all such initiatives. To formally recognize the contributions of these
dedicated individuals or groups to the University’s research capacity and productivity as a
whole, Lakehead University invites nominations for the annual Building Research Capacity at
Lakehead University Award.
For information, please click here.

NSERC 2018 Discovery Grant Enhancement Program

The Office of the Vice President Research and Innovation at Lakehead University is pleased to announce the launch of the NSERC Discovery Grant (DG) Enhancement Program. The NSERC DG is the staple funding source for many researchers, but can be a challenging grant both to write and to secure. This program is designed to encourage researchers at Lakehead University to begin preparing NSERC DG applications in collaboration with the Office of Research Services well ahead of the 2018 deadline (anticipated: November 1st, 2017).

For more information: click here.

For the form, click here.
