Lakehead University Research Ethics Board Members
Lakehead University's REB membership complies with Article 6.4 of the Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS2) and includes the following members:
Minimum of six full time faculty members who have expertise in relevant research disciplines, fields and methodologies covered by the REB:
- Chair - Claudio Pousa (Faculty of Business Administration)
- Vice Chair - Monica Flegel (Department of English)
- Erin Cameron (Northern Ontario School of Medicine University)
- Jennifer Chisholm (Gender and Women's Studies)
- Taryn Klarner (School of Kinesiology)
- Simon Lees (Northern Ontario School of Medicine University)
- Dwight Mazmanian (Department of Psychology)
- Jodie Murphy-Oikonen (School of Social Work)
- Nicholas Ravanelli (School of Kinesiology) - leave of absence for 2024-2025
- Chris Sanders (Sociology)
- VACANT (Department of Health Sciences)
Minimum of two community members who have no affiliation with the institution but are recruited from the communities served by Lakehead University with preference that one of the community members be of Aboriginal origin:
- Jamie Cunningham
- Michael Martel
One member with knowledge in the area of ethics. This can be someone who has a teaching or research specialization in ethics, or someone who has had extensive experience in the area of research ethics:
- Ryan Tonkens (Centre for Health Care Ethics)
One full time faculty member whose research involves Aboriginal people:
- Leisa Desmoulins (Faculty of Education)
A minimum of one member with a biomedical background:
One member knowledgeable in the relevant law (but the member should not be Lakehead University's legal counsel or risk manager):
- Martin-Joe Ezeudu (Faculty of Law)
Graduate student position:
- Ainsley Miller (School of Nursing)