International Student Information
All students are expected to read and abide by the financial policies of the university.
Please review:
- Schedule of Academic Fees for Tuition & Compulsory fees listed according to your program and year level. Please note that UHIP (University Health Insurance Plan) is mandatory for all international students and must be paid with your first installment. For information about International fees including UHIP, please Contact Chris Gallinger, International Accounts Officer at 807-343-8010 ext 8917 or email
- Payment Due Dates
- Refund Schedule
We also recommend:
- Regularly checking your Lakehead University e-mail
- Making payments according to the deadline dates to avoid late fees
- Visiting myInfo regularly for important messages
Health Insurance
Health insurance for international students is mandatory. Please read more about insurance here:
Mandatory Health Insurance (UHIP or Guard.Me)
Frequently Asked Questions:
English Language Students
What are the Required Fees?
Current tuition fees can be found on the English Language Centre home page. You can view your account balance at any time by logging in to MyInfo (My Financial Profile).
What is the Payment Due Date?
The Application Fee is due upon application to your program (students who are conditionally admitted to an academic program at Lakehead University do not need to pay an additional ELC Application Fee).
Your Tuition Deposit of $1,000.00 CAD is due no later than 30 days prior to the program start date.
Final payment in full is due by the first day of your program. Please refer to the start date on your acceptance letter (or refer to the Program Dates posted online).
How do I request a refund?
Students with a credit balance on their account can defer their credit to a future term or request a refund. In order to request a full or partial refund, a request must be made to the English Language Centre. Please contact for more information or to request a refund.
All refunds must be submitted by the applicable deadlines as outlined in the English Language Centre Refund Policy.
Payment SCAM Alert
We have been alerted that there are companies contacting students to offer a discount on their International Tuition Payments. They ask for your student ID to make a payment on your account, and ask you to pay them a reduced amount after you can see the payment on your Lakehead Student account. The card owner subsequently disputes the charge with their credit card company, causing the merchant provider (i.e. TouchNet, PayMyTuition, or Convera) to reverse the payment. This puts your Lakehead student account in bad standing, resulting in account holds, and reduced access to services. It may cause you to be dropped from your classes or delay graduation if you are at the end of your program.
Payments to Lakehead student accounts should never be made by unrelated third parties. You should not share your student ID with outside parties. If you are uncertain if a service is legitimate, please contact Accounts Receivable so that we can assist.
Be wary of any person offering to make a tuition payment on your behalf or promising a discount on payment. If the offer sounds too good to be true, it almost certainly is.