Student Financial Policies

Questions regarding the information below should be directed to

It is the student's responsibility to:

  1. Familiarize themselves with the financial and academic regulations of the University (e.g. Schedule of Academic FeesRefund PoliciesAcademic Calendar, etc.), review their Student Account, and report any discrepancies or concerns.
  2. Notify Registrarial Services, and Accounts Receivable, in writing, or by using myInfo, of any change to their Registration status: i.e. dropping, adding and/or withdrawing from courses. 
    1. All charges and outstanding fees accrued to the date of notification will remain due and payable on the student's account. The partial or total reimbursement of tuition fees depends on the official date of withdrawal as registered on the student's file.
  3. Regularly view the status of their Student Account on myInfo
  4. Monitor their Lakehead University e-mail account for all University correspondence (myEmail)

 The Board of Governors sets all Lakehead University fees and reserves the right to modify published Fees and the regulations governing refunds without advance notice. By the action of registration all students become bound by the policies and regulations of Lakehead University. All students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with student financial information.

It is the policy of Lakehead University that payments for tuition, ancillary fees and other charges as outlined in the Schedule of Academic Fees be received according to the Payment Due Dates. Registration is not considered complete until the tuition and ancillary fees are paid. Default of fees may result in a student's registration being cancelled. In addition, students with amounts owing to the University will not be permitted to register in future sessions, receive their degree certificate, receive a transcript, or record of academic progress.

Unpaid Fees - Course Cancellation

The University reserves the right to cancel a student's registration if the required fees are not paid according to the payment deadline dates. All charges and outstanding fees accrued to the date of cancellation will remain due and payable on the student's account as defined in the Refund Schedule.

Registration after published fee payment deadlines

Students who register after the published fee payment deadline dates should be prepared to pay their fees within 2 business days to avoid late payment fees. 

Delinquent Accounts

Students with an unpaid balance will not be permitted to register in a subsequent term until their accounts have been paid in full. Students will not have access to final grades including official transcripts and/or degree/diploma certificates. The University uses the services of outside collection agencies and reserves the right to use any legal means to reclaim monies owing.

If your account has previously been in a delinquent status, full payment for future courses may be required prior to registration.

Students with Disabilities

Undergraduate students with permanent, documented disabilities, who are considered full time but, require a reduced course load as a learning accommodation, are exempted from paying tuition fees on a full time flat fee basis.  Students with these circumstances, who are registered for a course load of 4.0 or 4.5 FCEs, should identify themselves to Student Accessibility Services Centre to have their tuition fees adjusted. Please note that regular compulsory ancillary fees still apply.

Graduate students with permanent, documented disabilities, should pay the normal full time term fees as listed in the Schedule of Academic Fees. If additional terms (time extensions) are required as a learning accommodation, students should identify themselves to Student Accessibility Services Centre, to have their tuition fees adjusted. Please note that regular compulsory ancillary fees still apply.

Lakehead University can assist students in a variety of ways, including the assessment of financial appeals. Please review the information below to ensure you address your issue with the correct department.

Acceptable Reasons:

You may submit a financial appeal if you experience a serious documented medical illness or a death of an immediate family member that causes you to drop courses. Some consideration may be given for other life crises outside of a students control. However, supporting documentation must be included. To submit your appeal, please see the instructions listed below.

Financial appeals are granted at the discretion of the Financial Services Unit of Lakehead University and will be considered for a period of one year after the occurrence of the illness or death.

Unacceptable Reasons:

How to Submit A Financial Appeal:

Note: Incomplete appeals will not be reviewed until all appeal form requirements and supporting documentation have been submitted.

  1. Drop the course(s) for which you are requesting a credit/refund
  2. Draft a brief letter explaining your circumstances:
  • Include relevant dates
  • Include supporting documentation (e.g. physician's note, memo/letter/email from department chair or faculty advisor,  etc.)
  • Complete the form: Financial Appeal Guidelines & Form
  • Submit your letter, all supporting documentation, and your appeal form to with the subject line: "Financial Appeal".
  • You will be notified by email in 6 to 8 weeks of the outcome of your appeal
  • Who is on the Financial Appeals Committee?

    The Financial Appeals Committee is composed of three members: Associate Vice-President, Financial Services, Manager, Accounts Receivable & Student Financial Services, and the Assistant Manager, AR & Graduate Officer.

    The issues of fairness and impartiality of the Financial Appeal Committee are considered crucial. Therefore, a member of the Committee will be excluded from a particular appeal discussion when they feel that, in the circumstances, they are not sufficiently objective to evaluate the appeal, they have any emotional or financial interest in the outcome of the appeal, or they have any affiliation with either party of such a nature or proximity as to give the appearance of partiality or bias.

    Please Note: that the Academic and Financial Dates are different.

    It is the responsibility of the student to familiarize themselves with University Fees (Schedule of Academic Fees), Payment Due Dates, Fees Policies, and the Refund Schedules (see below). All students agree to abide by these policies by the act of registration and are responsible for reporting any discrepancies.

    To be eligible for full or partial refund, the student must first drop courses and or withdraw from their program, and there must be a credit balance on the overall account. 

    All charges and outstanding fees accrued to the drop date or date of withdrawal will remain due and payable on the student's account. The partial or total reimbursement of tuition fees depends on the official date of withdrawal as registered on the student's file.

    Refunds are issued to the Student Account Holder and are processed by PayMyTuition. Domestic students will receive an Interac e-transfer to the students Lakehead University email address. International students will receive further instructions from PayMyTuition by email.  Some exceptions* apply depending on the incoming payment method.

    No refund of Compulsory Student Fees will be given after the final date to register in the term. Please see the Academic Schedule of Dates (Registration and Withdrawal Dates) for a list.

    Field Trip or other Departmental charges may be refunded at the request of the Department only.

    For courses shorter than 3 weeks, there is no refund after the second day of classes. No withdrawal without academic penalty will be allowed after the second day of classes.

    Students withdrawing from audit courses are not eligible for any refund of fees.

    For students enrolled in Undergraduate courses/programs, the amount of the tuition adjustment will be determined by the date on which the course has been dropped and whether the course load drops below or is less than 4.0 FCEs. The amount will be adjusted based on the section term of the course(s) and will be pro-rated in accordance with the Undergraduate Refund Schedule below. Please note that if the course load does not drop below 4.0 FCE, there is no adjustment for dropped courses. 

    For students enrolled in Masters or PhD Degree courses/programs, the amount of the tuition adjustment will be determined by the date on which the course or program has been dropped. The amount will be prorated in accordance with the Masters & PhD Refund Schedule. Aside from withdrawal from the program, Masters & PhD Students must register and pay per term, until graduation. Accordingly, there is no adjustment of fees for early completion within the last term of study.

    Students registered in Co-operative Education courses are entitled to a full adjustment of the Co-op Program Participation Fee if the withdrawal occurs prior to the published financial withdrawal date listed in the Undergraduate Schedule.

    Course withdrawal dates for Fall, Fall/Winter, Winter and February terms without academic penalty for Distance Education courses are the same as those for the regular academic session below. 

    Please note that students should not deliberately over pay their student account.  In cases where payments exceed the amount of the student’s tuition and residence fees for the session, or where no fees are billed, or where payment for student living expenses, or books/supplies are made to the University, the University reserves the right to hold the credit on account for (a) subsequent academic session(s), or to return the funds to the original payer, by the original method of payment. Normal Refund Administration and International Wire Transfer fees will apply.


    All Confirmation Deposits, Residence Deposits, Provincial Attestation Letter Deposits (PAL), and International Tuition Deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE*. 

    Please also note that any incoming lump sum payments from new students/applicants will be considered to have included a non-refundable deposit when being reviewed for an eligible refund. 

    *Exception: If you are an international student whose study permit/student visa has been denied prior to the start of the term, you may request a refund to Proof of visa denial must be provided. 

    Refund Schedules

    As per the Schedule of Fees for Services, a Refund Administrative Fee will be assessed when dropping courses, or withdrawing from the University. Additionally, if the refund pertains to an International Wire Transfer (International Electronic Transfer), the International Wire Transfer Fee will also be assessed.