Not registered yet?
Please visit the Schedule of Academic fees for a listing of Tuition and Compulsory fees according to your program and year level:
Registered Students:
Please view your Tuition, Compulsory Ancillary Fees, and/or Residence charges on your Student Portal (login credentials required)
Not registered yet?
Find your installment amount according to your program and year level by visiting one of the Schedule of Academic Fees options below:
Registered Students:
Login to the Student Portal (requires credentials) and find the "My Fees & Funding" form. Here you will find your amount to pay for Tuition, Compulsory Fees, and Residence, NET of Deposits, Scholarships, Awards, Bursaries, and OSAP.
For Fall Installments, please view the balance of the Fall column. For Winter Installments, view the balance of the Winter column.
Registered Students:
If you did not pay your FULL Fall-Winter academic session on August 15, and chose to pay in two parts, please find your second installment amount to pay on your Student Portal: Account Activity
You may view your amount to pay NET of pending Scholarships, Awards, Bursaries, and OSAP on your Student Portal as well: My Fees & Funding
Not registered yet?
Second installment amounts (graduate term fees) are published on our Schedule of Academic Fees. Please click an option below:
Partial OSAP Funding:
If OSAP only covers part of your required payment amount, please pay the difference by the published due date.
Full OSAP Funding - Automatic Deferral:
If your OSAP covers your full required payment amount (installments for Tuition and Residence), your payment is automatically deferred until OSAP sends your payment to us in September, January, or May.
Deferral process for NON-Ontario Student Aid:
If your government student aid is from outside of Ontario, you MUST sent your Notice of Assessment to to defer your payment until funds are sent to the University (typically in September, January, or May). Additionally, and similar to Ontario, if your funding only covers part of your costs, please pay the difference by the published due date.
Yes. Please review your "My Fees & Funding" form on the Student Portal to view your payment amount NET of scholarships, bursaries, and awards. Please pay any difference by the published due date. The portion of payment from scholarships, awards, and bursaries will be deferred until approximately September, January, or May*. If the funds cover your fees in full, your payment is automatically deferred, and you do not need to send payment.
*Note: Scholarships, and awards are typically applied after the first day of classes in each term. For the Fall-Winter academic session, 50% will be applied in September, and 50% in January. For the Spring-Summer, this typically occurs the first business day in May.
If you receive this message, please contact us!
We can be reached at (807)343-8140 or and we are available Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30 (except Tuesdays from 9-10am).
You may not be eligible to register if you have a balance outstanding from a previous term.
Please have a look at the Lakehead University Fee Policy to review your responsibilities.
Yes, it is a compulsory fee and must be paid. For further information, please visit:
Yes. The fee is mandatory and must be paid on the student account.
The LUSU Medical/Dental Insurance is effective September 1 to August 31. All full-time undergraduate students who have registered in 3.75 or more FCEs by the last day to register in September are automatically assessed this fee. Should a student have comparable coverage and choose to opt-out, they may do so by going to the LUSU Website at and clicking on opt-out to proceed. The fee is not removed from the student account. Any eligible refund will be distributed by the insurance provider.
Partial Funding:
If you have partial funding from OSAP/other government student aid, a Graduate Assistantship (GA), and or Scholarships, Awards, or Bursaries but they do not cover your FULL fees, please pay the difference by the published due date.
Full Funding:
If you have funding, from one of the above sources, or a combination of sources, to cover your full fees, you do not need to sent payment by the due date. Please note that non-Ontario students with Student Aid will need to sent their Notice of Assessment to to defer their payments until September, January, or May.
Note: It is up to you to ensure your student account is paid in full. To set up your GA to pay your fees, and for more information about the Graduate Funding process, please visit: Accessing Your Graduate Assistantship and Graduate Funding
For important student tax information, please visit: Tax Receipts