(OR) Thunderwolves Thrive
Join the conversation by sharing your mental health message, picking up some Bell Let's Talk swag, and connecting with fellow Thunderwolves. #BellLetsTalk
This event is open to all members of the Lakehead community.
Join the conversation by sharing your mental health message, picking up some Bell Let's Talk swag, and connecting with fellow Thunderwolves. #BellLetsTalk
This event is open to all members of the Lakehead community.
Drop by the Library at Heritage Place for the cutest kind of stress relief: Therapy dogs [Name] and [Name].
You can also grab some bear paw snacks and share a Pawsitive message with your fellow Thunderwolves on the Paws for Positivity board! The board will be up all week for messages to be added. We can't wait to see you there!
This event is open to all members of the Lakehead community.
The cutest kind of stress relief is back! Visit the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dogs at Heritage Place from noon - 1 pm.
This event is open to all members of the Lakehead community.
Drop by the Orsi family Learning Commons for the cutest kind of stress relief: Therapy dogs [Name] and [Name].
You can also share a Pawsitive message with your fellow Thunderwolves on the Paws for Positivity board! The board will remain up for messages to be added all week long! We can't wait to see you there!
This event is open to all members of the Lakehead community.
The cutest kind of stress relief is back on campus! Visit the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dogs at Simcoe Hall from noon - 1 pm.
Open to all members of the Lakehead community.
Staff and faculty are invited to drop by to pick up a Thrive week schedule, and send a gratitude gram to a colleague who helps them Thrive!
How it works:
1. Pick up a card from the kiosk to write a message of gratitude to send to a colleague.
2. Purchase a gift certificate for the kiosk to include in the card.
3. Hand deliver the card to your colleague. Or, if you want to add an extra element of surprise to your gratitude gram, you can pay for a specific item at the kiosk, and the Thrive Gratitude Fairies will arrange for it to be delivered to your colleague at a time & place of your choice (Note: This will require you to know what you’re colleague likes to order and when a good time to deliver it would be. Delivery times are limited to Thursday January 25th and Friday January 26th.)
Can’t make it on Monday but still want to send a gratitude gram? The cards will be available at the kiosk all week. Note: If you want your gratitude gram to be delivered on Thursday/Friday, your card will need to be completed by the end of the day on Wednesday.
Research shows that giving thanks and expressing gratitude can help people sleep better, lower stress, and improve interpersonal relationships.
This event is for staff and faculty only.
Get crafty with your Peer Wellness Team! Drop by the Orsi Family Learning Commons between 2 pm - 4 pm and connect through creativity and the arts!
This event is for students only.
Searching for a job is stressful, especially as you graduate and begin planning for your career journey. So many questions run through your mind; Am I prepared for the next step? Is my resume good enough? Will I ever get an interview? Is everything going to be okay? The answer to all of these questions is… YES. You’ve got this! Pop by the Career Services table and learn a little more about managing stress through the job search process. We’re here to help!
Thrive Week is back! Join us at Heritage Place for some free coffee and snacks, and pick up your 2024 Thrive Kit! We can’t wait to see you there. Get ready to Thrive!
This event is for students only.
Thrive Week is back on campus! Join us at the Orsi Family Learning Commons for some free coffee and snacks, and pick up your 2024 Thrive Kit! We can’t wait to see you there.
Get ready to Thrive!
This event is for students only.