Dan Brazeau
Honours Bachelor Environmental Studies and Biology Lakehead University
Masters of Science Biology Lakehead University
Brazeau, D. J., & Hecnar, S. J. 2018. Summer movements of the Common Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon fasciatus) in the northern portion of its range. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 13(3), 743-752.
Hecnar. S. J., D. B. Brazeau and D. R. Hecnar. 2015. Tales of Blue Tails: Over 25 Years of Five-Lined Skink Research in Southwestern Ontario. The Canadian Herpetologist 5(2): 6-9.
Brazeau, D., R. Freitag, S.J. Hecnar. 2015. Comparing diet of the Common Five-lined Skink among locations and time. Herpetology Review: submitted and under review.
Brazeau, D., and S.J. Hecnar. 2014. Identification of canopy cover thresholds for the Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon fasciatus) near the northern extent of its range. Presentation at 1st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Herpetological Society, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. Sept. 19-22, 2014.