Selected Publications

  1. 1. M. W. Benson and J. Hu, Convergence of Asynchronous Probability Based Self-Organizing Neural Networks, 19th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS-2006), 193-196, (2006)

  2. 2. M.W. Benson and J. Hu, Asynchronous Parallel Computation of Self-organizing maps. in Proceedings of the IASTED international Conference on Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence, ACTA Press 73-77, (2003)

  3. 3. J. Hu and M.W. Benson, The convergence of an asynchronous parallel computation of self-organizing maps. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and its applications, San Diego California. Editors Paradip Peter Dey,Mohammad N. Amin, Thomas M. Gatton, US Education Service, 262-266 (2003)

  4. 4. Jie Hu and Maurice W. Benson, Asynchronous Multiscale Self-Organizing Maps, The Second International Conference of Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, Atlanta Georgia, Dynamic Publishers, Inc. USA 59.62 (2002)

  5. 5. M. W. BENSON and J. HU, Asynchronous Self-Organizing Maps, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, vol 11, (2000), 1315-1322.

  6. 6. M. W. BENSON, An Approximate Inverse Based Multigrid Approach to Thin Domain Problems, Util. Math. 45 (1994) 39-51