Dr. Samuel Essien
Assistant Professor
+1 807-343-8010ext. 7199
SN 1006B
Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Academic Qualifications:
- SCPOR Post-doctoral Fellowship, University of Saskatchewan, Canada (2021)
- Ph.D., Epidemiology, University of Saskatchewan, Canada (2019)
- Professional Specialized Certificate (Population Health Data Analysis) University of Victoria, Canada (2019)
- M.Sc., Community and Population Health Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Canada (2015)
- M.Sc., Mathematics and Statistics, University of Windsor, Canada (2013)
- B.Sc., Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cape Coast, Ghana (2008)
Other Appointments
- Adjunct Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science, University of Saskatchewan
Date joined Lakehead:
October 2022
Previous Teaching/Work:
- HESC 5270: Epidemiology II
- HESC 5213: Environmental and Occupational Public Health
- HESC 5710-GDE: Chronic and Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Research Interests:
Dr. Essien’s research primarily focuses on improving general workplace safety, mental health, and injury prevention, improving the quality of life for vulnerable populations, especially in people affected by work and non-work-related amputations, developing epidemiological models in addressing maternal health problems, particularly in resource-limited countries and patient-oriented research.
Other Interests
- Outbreak Investigation
- Public Health Surveillance of Chronic and Infectious Diseases