Reg Nelson profile photo. Best viewed with red and cyan 3D glasses.

Reg Nelson

Geospatial Data Centre
+1 807-343-8010ext. 8548
RC 2001A
Mon-Fri 0900-1200 & 1300-1600
Academic Qualifications: 


Carrillo, V. C., Heenkenda, M. K., Nelson, R., Sahota, T. S., & Serrano, L. S. (2022). Deep learning in land-use classification and geostatistics in soil pH mapping: A case study at Lakehead University Agricultural Research Station, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 16(3), 034519.

Randall, T., Kavalchuk, T., & Nelson, R. (2017). Metrics of Urban Sustainability: A Case Study of Changing Downtowns in Thunder Bay, Canada. Sustainability, 9(7), 1272.


Nelson, R. (2022, June 8). Visualization of GLSEA Lake Superior surface water temperature data employing PyQGIS, Inkscape, GIMP, ImageMagick, and Blender. [Online Presentation]. Twin-Cities MapServer Users Group (TCMUG) Meeting.

Nelson, R. & Randall, T. (2019, June 30). The importance of land-use diversification and intensification strategies: a case study of changing downtowns in Thunder Bay, Ontario. [Conference presentation]. Canadian Association of Geographers 2019 Convention, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

Nelson, R. (2012, September 28-30). Application of a GIS-based decision support system for sidewalk building and maintenance in Thunder Bay, Ontario. [Conference presentation]. Canadian Association of Geographers – Prairie Division, Winkler, MB, Canada.

Research Interests: 

Includes, but not limited to:

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Cartography, Stereo imaging, 3D modelling and other spatial data visualization techniques.
  • Urban geography - transportation networks, multi-modal networks, open streets, complete streets and people-oriented design.

Many of my hobbies reflect my interest in transportation geography, including:

  • Cycling - mainly in the context of commuting, shopping, etc.
  • Sailing - has mostly replaced my paddling adventures. We moved to Thunder Bay for Lake Superior.
  • Walking - not something most people consider a hobby but I embrace it as a favourite pastime.
  • Stereo Photography - long-standing member of the National Stereoscopic Association. Avid SLR and DSLR photographer.
  • Technology - Photoshop/GIMP, Inkscape, QGIS, Blender, Wordpress, Stereophotomaker, Audacity.