A photograph of Dr. Kirsten Oinonen in her office.

Dr. Kirsten Oinonen, C. Psych.

Clinical Psychologist
Associate Professor
+1 (807) 343-8010 ext. 8096
By appointment
Academic Qualifications: 
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Clinical Psychology,  Lakehead University, 2003
  • Pre-Doctoral Residency (Neuropsychology/Rehabilitation; Clinical Health Psychology), University of Manitoba, 2002                                 
  • Master of Arts, Clinical Psychology,  Lakehead University, 1997   
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours), Psychology,   Queen’s University, 1995


Research Interests: 

The overarching goal of my program of research is to contribute to the understanding of how gonadal steroid hormones affect perception, emotion, cognition, sexuality, and other behaviours across the lifespan. Additional research interests fall in the fields of psychopharmacology, clinical neuropsychology, evolutionary psychology (e.g., mate selection), women's health, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), and preconception health. I examine issues (hormonal contraceptive side effects, preconception health, women’s sexuality), health conditions (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, eating disorders, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder), and developmental/biological periods (e.g., menarche, the premenstrual phase, menopause) that are of relevance to women. Gender, sex, sexuality, hormones, disabilities, power/privilege, and experiences unique to a specific sex or gender are also of interest.

In the News:

August 17, 2020

Lakehead researchers hope the Ontario...

Two Lakehead University researchers have published a paper in the Canadian Journal of Public Health...