Dr. Barbara Parker

Associate Professor
+1 (807) 343-8010ext. 8792
RB 2043
Academic Qualifications: 

PhD, Sociology, Charles Sturt University, Australia

MA, Sociology with Specialization in Women’s Studies, Lakehead University

BA, Sociology, University of Manitoba 


Date joined Lakehead: 
August 2014
Research Interests: 

Broadly, my research interests focus on gender, food, health, intersectionality, critical dietetics, food pedagogy and the school food environment. 


Check out my book! https://womenspress.canadianscholars.ca/books/feminist-food-studies#tab_reviews


In the News:

September 30, 2016

Congratulations to Dr. Barbara Parker - SSHRC...

Congratulations to Dr. Barbara Parker, Co-applicant, on a recently awarded SSHRC Insight...