Recent Interviews, Blog Posts, & Videos

Russell, C. (2023, July 23). Humour and climate change education [interview]. CBC Fresh Air.

Russell, C. (2021, August 5). Animals in education [interview]. CBC Fresh Air.

Jemmett, S., & Russell, C. with Sofronijevic, J. & Ruddick, H. (2020). Liberating sustainability - gender [interview]. Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK) and the National Union of Students Liberating Sustainability Podcast.

Russell, C. (2020, August 27). Fat bodies in education [interview]. Friend of Marilyn Podcast, Episode 18. Manawatu Radio.

Boileau, E., & Russell, C. (2019, January 15). How might children’s pedagogical encounters with insects and arachnids contribute to multispecies flourishing? [blogpost] Common Worlds Research Collective Microblog.

Russell, C. (2018, November 21). How might the idea of intersectionality help us learn about our entanglements? [blogpost]. Common Worlds Research Collective Microblog.

Russell, C. (2018). The social construction of other animals. Animals and Society Institute: Video Keyword Project [video].