Travel Expenses

Lakehead University utilizes two methods for travel expense reimbursement: an electronic-based system from Concur (for Faculty and Staff) and a paper-based one. For the reimbursement of travel expenses, the traveller needs to obtain pre-trip approval, a Travel Request, using either the Concur Expense System or a Travel Authorization, when using the paper-based process.

Travel Policies

Please review the Travel Expense Policy for full details.

Please review the Use of Personal Vehicle for University Business.



Finance Services has created a flowchart to help guide employees when renting a vehicle, in order to ensure proper policies and procedures, including risk management, are followed.

Flowchart when Renting a Vehicle for University Business

Verbal Flowchart when Renting a Vehicle for University Business: this option is an AODA-compliant version of the flowchart, which should work with a screen reader.


i)  Electronic-Based Reports (Concur System)

a)  The traveller must submit an electronic request using the Concur Expense System prior to any expenses being incurred. The electronic system will seek the appropriate approval and notify both the approver and the traveller as to the progress of the Request and the resulting expense claim. Using electronically captured receipts, the expense claim is submitted using the Concur Expense System, giving the traveller the option of entering expenses as they occur or after the travel has been completed. The use of electronic travel expense claims will require the traveller (claimant) to retain all the original receipts and documents supporting their expense claims for a minimum of 7 years.

Link to Lakehead's Concur for Travel

Concur Training Video

Any questions regarding the Concur system should be directed to Ralph Kiessig or Patrick Larin.

ii)  Paper-Based Reports

a)  The University Travel Authorization Form and Travel Expense Statement shall be submitted to the Office of Financial Services, Accounts Payable no later than 10 working days after returning from a trip. These expense statements must be properly itemized and the appropriate original itemized receipts (photocopies are not acceptable) must be attached. They should also identify the University budget account to be charged and are to be approved by the appropriate budget signing authority. Separate expense statements should be submitted for each trip.

b) The University will not reimburse expenses for travel expenses that are older than 6 months.

Note: Reimbursement of expenses does not itself constitute final approval and all expense statements are subject to audit and subsequent adjustment if necessary.

Travel Expense Forms

Please see below for paper-based travel-related forms:

Travel Authorization Form

Who should use this form:
Faculty, Staff

Travel Authorization Form to accompany Travel Expense Statement From.

Full-time employees must submit their travel expenses through Concur.

Travel Expense Statement

Who should use this form:
Faculty, Staff

Travel Expense Statement for reimbursement of travel expenses, including travel related to research. A Travel Authorization Form must accompany the Travel Expense Statement.

Full-time employees must submit their travel expenses through Concur.