Ubuntu Wireless Instructions

Connecting to Lakehead Wireless using Ubuntu

For Operating Systems other than Windows or Macintosh, we provide these settings for Wifi Protected
Access configuration. Most operating systems provide support for WPA2, it’s just a matter of inserting this
information into the configuration of your device. Not every configuration will require all the provided

  • Network/SSID: LakeheadU (you may have to manually type this in)
  • Network Authentication Method: WPA2 (sometimes called WPA2 Enterprise)
  • Data Encryption Method: AES or TKIP
  • EAP Type: PEAP
  • Authentication Protocol: MS-CHAP-V2
  • Certificate Type: Not verified
  • Certificate Name: ADRADIUS-CA

Ubuntu wireless display icon

1. Place Pointer at WiFi icon

Pointer showing selection of LakeheadU

2. Select LakeheadU from wireless networks

Pointer showing various network configuration options

3. Select WPA and WPA2 wireless security

Pointer showing to choose PEAP authentication

4. Select PEAP authentication

Authentication window asking for lakehead username and password

5. Enter your lakeheadu username and password

Pointer showing to choose ignore certificate

6. Ignore certificate warning

Connection established notification

7. Connection Established