Retail and Physical Support Service Minutes - May 21, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - 9:00am
Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Ursula MacDonald, Steve Girvin, Barb Figus, Matt Serino, Hugh Briggs, Rob McCluskey

Brenda Rojik, Stan Nemec, Brian Cox

Special guest:
Shanon Arnold, Physical Plant


OLD Business:

A) Ursula also requested that Physical Plant have a look at a sidewalk which leads from UC/CB side door to Lot 5. There is a section of the sidewalk by the canon that floods each spring/fall. Grounds places wooden planks in the area as pedestrians are unable to cross due to water and ice. The sidewalk has been like this for many years and it really should be fixed.

B) The Ryan building stairway, closest to the library is very cold. Mostly the area from the 1st floor down. The housekeeping employee advised that once she washed the stairs ice formed on the stairs. She had to take a rag and physically wipe the stairs to prevent it from icing up. Alex will put a work order in to check on the heater and see what can be
done about this problem.

  • Dec.18, 2014 -Ursula will check with housekeeping in January when the real cold weather returns

May 29, 2014 - since it is summer now and last winter was especially harsh, this concern will be revisited in the fall/winter. Should the same condition occur the only option will be to install a heater over the stairs?

Jan. 15, 2015 -Ursula spoke with housekeeping and they advised that it may not be the heater or lack of heat in that area but rather the fact that the doors (from the outside) don't close properly, especially if there is an accumulation of snow. Steve Gervin said that he will put a work order in to have the doors checked.

April 16, 2015 – Steve will check on the door

C) Continuation of events following the asbestos discussion at April 2015 JHSC meeting.

Shanon Arnold was invited to speak at May 21, 2015 meeting. Shanon is the lead in regards to the Asbestos Management Program at LU.
When a small fibrous material containing asbestos fibres was found in CB office, the material was cleaned up immediately. Air quality conducted showed no elevated levels of airborne asbestos.
On Feb.17, 2015 in an email to Hugh Briggs and Shanon Arnold the occupant of the office requested dust sampling in that same office. Asbestos fibres were detected in settled dust on top a light fixture and surface of a book shelve and metal cabinet. The surface of a desk behind computer monitor was found not to contain any asbestos fibres. On the recommendation of the consultant Type 2 clean up initiated. This also allowed Shanon Arnold (Physical Plant) and Jackie Elvish (True Grit consulting) to access the ceiling space above the office to ascertain; the condition of the ceiling, insulation and the spray on fire proofing. All were found in very good condition.

As a result Physical Plant has initiated the following;
True Grit is creating a safe work procedure for Caretakers who change a specific light fixtures in CB, UC and RB to address a potential concern with the settled dust on light fixtures
Hugh Briggs will ensure that all Caretakers have taken Asbestos awareness course; are familiar with Asbestos awareness program and know about the HMIS data base and when available will be fully trained on the new procedure as mentioned above.
During the month of April and May a faculty member who works in CB raised additional concerns in regards to Asbestos in the Centennial Building. The faculty undertook an audit of the ceiling condition on his own. He submitted a report of identifying "hairy bits" which he felt could be asbestos pieces visible through the brown slat ceiling. In consultation with True Grit and the Asbestos removal company the "hairy pieces" have been cleaned up using a HEPA filter under Type 1 clean-up operation. In addition the Asbestos removal company has undertaken a detailed audit of the slats and the ceiling condition in the CB. Based on these findings and the results of our annual asbestos audit Lakehead will be undertaking additional proactive steps in regards to Asbestos management at Lakehead University.
Lastly, the 2015 annual asbestos audit will begin soon with particular attention to be placed on the condition of the ceilings.

Injury Report;
There were no injuries in April.

Near Misses:
None reported this period.

New Business:

1. We have had a couple of complaints of smoking somewhere in the close proximity to the CB building as office occupants on the 4th floor have been complaining. In addition, Shanon and Ursula while doing work on 2nd floor of CB could smell cigarette smoke as well. Security and Tiffany have investigated and have advised new employees who they suspect are smoking close to the building to smoke in the designated smoking areas. This seems to have had some impact as we have not had any recent complaints.

2. The staff of the bookstore complained that each time the grease traps are being cleaned out the smell in the back of the bookstore is unbearable and at one point the staff contemplated going home due to feeling ill from the smell. Is there anything that can be done about this concern. Steve Girvin advised that the bookstore must ensure that the back door is closed. Ursula asked if the bookstore could be notified in advanced about the work and this way the bookstore can make some other arrangements for their staff working in the back.

3. Ursula advised that the WHMIS program will be replaced by GHS. We are looking at purchasing on online training program for the training purposes. Ursula will speak more about this at the next meeting.

4. The following projects are or will be underway on campus over the next few months; big bathrooms at PACI basement will be renovated, men's sauna in the Fieldhouse will be subject to major upgrade, a big dig up will also be taken up in front fo the Fieldhouse.

Inspections Outstanding;

  • CB
  • Avila Centre (Brian Cox and a worker)
  • Power House
  • ATAC
  • Lot 5 House
  • Library
  • Rural Resource Centre

Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June 18, 2015 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at 9:00 a.m.


Retail and Physical Support Service Minutes - June 18, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015 - 9:15am
Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Ursula MacDonald, Steve Girvin, Matt Serino, Rob McCluskey, Stan Nemec, Brian Cox

Brenda Rojik, Hugh Briggs, Barb Figus

Special guest:
Shanon Arnold, Physical Plant


OLD Business:

A) Ursula also requested that Physical Plant have a look at a sidewalk which leads from UC/CB side door to Lot 5. There is a section of the sidewalk by the canon that floods each spring/fall. Grounds places wooden planks in the area as pedestrians are unable to cross due to water and ice. The sidewalk has been like this for many years and it really should be fixed.

B) The Ryan building stairway, closest to the library is very cold. Mostly the area from the 1st floor down. The housekeeping employee advised that once she washed the stairs ice formed on the stairs. She had to take a rag and physically wipe the stairs to prevent it from icing up. Alex will put a work order in to check on the heater and see what can be
done about this problem.

  • Dec.18, 2014 -Ursula will check with housekeeping in January when the real cold weather returns

May 29, 2014 - since it is summer now and last winter was especially harsh, this concern will be revisited in the fall/winter. Should the same condition occur the only option will be to install a heater over the stairs?

Jan. 15, 2015 -Ursula spoke with housekeeping and they advised that it may not be the heater or lack of heat in that area but rather the fact that the doors (from the outside) don't close properly, especially if there is an accumulation of snow. Steve Gervin said that he will put a work order in to have the doors checked.

April 16, 2015 – Steve will check on the door

C) Continuation of events following the asbestos discussion at April 2015 JHSC meeting.
Shanon Arnold was invited to speak at May 21, 2015 meeting. Shanon is the lead in regards to the Asbestos Management Program at LU.
When a small fibrous material containing asbestos fibres was found in CB office, the material was cleaned up immediately. Air quality conducted showed no elevated levels of airborne asbestos.
On Feb.17, 2015 in an email to Hugh Briggs and Shanon Arnold the occupant of the office requested dust sampling in that same office. Asbestos fibres were detected in settled dust on top a light fixture and surface of a book shelve and metal cabinet. The surface of a desk behind computer monitor was found not to contain any asbestos fibres. On the recommendation of the consultant Type 2 clean up initiated. This also allowed Shanon Arnold (Physical Plant) and Jackie Elvish (True Grit consulting) to access the ceiling space above the office to ascertain; the condition of the ceiling, insulation and the spray on fire proofing. All were found in very good condition.
As a result Physical Plant has initiated the following;
True Grit is creating a safe work procedure for Caretakers who change a specific light fixtures in CB, UC and RB to address a potential concern with the settled dust on light fixtures
Hugh Briggs will ensure that all Caretakers have taken Asbestos awareness course; are familiar with Asbestos awareness program and know about the HMIS data base and when available will be fully trained on the new procedure as mentioned above.
During the month of April and May a faculty member who works in CB raised additional concerns in regards to Asbestos in the Centennial Building. The faculty undertook an audit of the ceiling condition on his own. He submitted a report of identifying "hairy bits" which he felt could be asbestos pieces visible through the brown slat ceiling. In consultation with True Grit and the Asbestos removal company the "hairy pieces" have been cleaned up using a HEPA filter under Type 1 clean-up operation. In addition the Asbestos removal company has undertaken a detailed audit of the slats and the ceiling condition in the CB. Based on these findings and the results of our annual asbestos audit Lakehead will be undertaking additional proactive steps in regards to Asbestos management at Lakehead University.
Lastly, the 2015 annual asbestos audit will begin soon with particular attention to be placed on the condition of the ceilings.

D) Ursula advised that the WHMIS program will be replaced by GHS. We are looking at purchasing on online training program for the training purposes. Ursula will speak more about this at the next meeting.

Injury Report;
There was one injury reported in this period May 21-June 19, 2015. Early in June Caretaker II injured right arm upper tendon while lifting as study carol on to a lift gate. The item was not heavy but awkward to lift and the employee seems to have suffered a strain at that time. The employee is now receiving physio therapy for the injured area.

Near Misses:
None reported this period.

New Business:

1. GHS – Globally Harmonized System (Classification and Labelling of Chemicals). GHS is a system that defines and classifies the hazards of chemical products, and communicates health and safety information on labels and safety data sheets. The goal is that the same set of rules for classifying hazards, and the same format and content for labels and safety data sheets (SDS vs MSDS) will be adopted and used around the world. One significant change is that the SDS will now have 16 sections vs 9 sections on current MSDS sheets. There are various other changes that will become clearer as different sections of the GHS are implemented in Canada.

Thus far in Canada the suppliers may being to use and follow the new requirements for labels and SDSs for hazardous products sold, distributed, or imported into Canada. A multi-year transition plan has bene announced. From now until May 31, 2017 suppliers (manufacturers and importers) can use WHMIS 1988 or WHMIS 2015 to classify and communicate the hazards of their products (suppliers must use one system or the other.)

Overall, the current roles and responsibilities for suppliers, employers and workers have not changed in WHMIS 2015. You can visit WHMIS 2015 for Workers at

Lakehead University will provide appropriate WHMIS training which will incorporate GHS changes when available. We have partnered with PSHSA (Public Health Services Safety Association) to develop appropriate training for all Ontario Universities.

2. Working at Height Training – The new Working at Heights Training Program Standard applies to all construction projects in Ontario regulated by the Regulations for Construction Projects. Effective April 01, 2015 workers on construction sites will need to complete a working at heights training program that has been approved by the Chief Prevention Office before they can work at heights. The training will be valid for three years from the date of completion. Workers who have already received training that meets the current requirements set out in section 26.2 of the Construction Regulation (213/91) will have two years (until April 1, 2017) to complete an approved working at heights training program.

Inspections Outstanding;

  • CB
  • Avila Centre (Brian Cox & Ursula)
  • Power House (Rob and Steve)
  • ATAC (Fred & Stan)
  • Lot 5 House (Mike & Ursula)
  • Library (Mike & Ursula)
  • Rural Resource Centre (Rob & Matt)

Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, September 17, 2015 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at 9:00 a.m.


Labs and Studios Minutes – September 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016 - 9:00am
AT 3004

Present:           T. Moore, A. Diochon, J. Sylvestre     

TIME Commenced:     9:07 AM

1.0   Agenda : Approved


2.0   Review of Minutes : Accepted July 22, 2016 minutes.              


3.0   Inspection Report:

3.1   Chemistry

3.2   Kinesiology

3.3   ORPT

As we are on schedule to be finished inspections in early November, a list of a coded hazards will be distributed to members of the committee to follow up on in December, to ensure that they have been resolved completely.


4.0   Injury Report :

4.1   Field School – Student failed to see a hole in the trail, stepped in and fell.  Knee was banged on a rock.  Deep bruising only.  Appropriate footwear was worn, and would not have prevented the injury.  Lighting was optimal.  Committee has no recommendations.


5.0   Old Business:

5.1   Chem Stores Vault Fan – Fan has been upgraded and sensor has been re-seated in the area of air-flow.  No false alarms since.  There are still some items to address, removal of a timer on the alarm circuit, addition of a light to the alarm to remain active when alarm is silenced.  Some discussion whether dampers would be needed in case of fan failure.

5.2   Asbestos Committee –     Update deferred

5.3   Field work Training Documents

5.3.1          Field trainee document available for review.  A general SOP similar to the lab safety operating procedures to be created and training sessions for faculty offered in March 2017?  T. Moore to schedule meeting with field safety committee to work out the details.

5.4            Floor tiles in CB0010 still outstanding

Tiffany to contact the department and Dean.  It’s her understanding that Plant is prepared to work on the floors once approvals in place.


6.0   New Business:

6.1   WHMIS 2015

There was a glitch that was interfering with certificates of completion being released.  In order to fix it in the short term, a standalone quiz was created.


6.2 Biosafety Cabinet Certifications

        Biosafety cabinets will have their annual certifications inspections September 26-27.




6.3  Annual Hazardous Materials Training

Physical Plant is offering training for interested parties from the committee in November (2 full days).  This will cover asbestos and respirator training, but will also touch on mercury, mould and lead.


6.4  Safety Series lectures

Jarrett suggested an online webinar series as a resource for the committee.  Tiffany to look into whether the webinars would line up with our meeting schedule.


7.0   Next Inspections: 9:00 am October 5, 2016.  RSVP


8.0   Adjournment:  9:57 AM

Retail and Physical Support Service - October 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 9:15am
Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Present: Mike Davis, Ursula MacDonald, Steve Girvin, Stan Nemec, Fred Plank


Regrets:  Brian Cox, Rob McCluskey, Brenda Rojik, Hugh Briggs



OLD Business:


            A.  Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.


            B.  Matt advised that at times radios do not work in PACI especially in the basement/chiller room.

            One way to address this problem is to install a hard wired phone.  Steve will put in a work order in to have a phone installed in this area.


            April 21, 2016 – a phone has been installed in this location. A discussion was held and Fred advised that the issue with the radios will continue in certain areas.  The radio system is older and it will require a significant amount of money to purchases a new system.  Steve advised that many of his staff have started carrying cell phones.  Steve will speak with Hugh to develop a communications strategy, perhaps the way to deal with this issue are cell phones.


            C  Hugh advised that a list from the 2015 asbestos audit will be complied in the next month or so.  This list identifies areas with highest priority for asbestos abatement.  Any work from this list will start in the new fiscal year (May 01, 2016.)

            July 21, 2016 update- the 2016 audit is on underway, the physical examination of the             campus has begun.


            E.  The Asbestos Management program at Lakehead University is under review. An             external consultant has been hired.  The consultant has visited the campus and will write             his report based on information gathered.  This review was initiated by the Office of the             President and as such it will be shared with the Senate and all other parties involved.  The             consultant hired to undertake this work is Pinchin Environmental.  April 21 – Steve             advised that the report is completed and it is with Sr. management for a review.


            F.   Rob has been tasked with requesting IUOE to elect another member for the JHSC

            committee now that Matt has left the University.


            G.   Hugh spoke about taking dust samples to test for asbestos content in CB, UC and RB. As part of review undertaken by Pinchen the University will test various locations for asbestos content in settled dust.  Hugh would like 2 members from       each JHSC committee to volunteer to be a part of sub-committee which will then make recommendations on locations for testing.  Pinchn has on recommended testing at least 3 areas per each air handling unit. Members interested in being on the sub-committee please contact Ursula.

            July 21, 2016 update – all Committees have now selected members who will be part of this sub-Committee and Hugh will schedule a meeting of this group very soon.

            Oct. 27, 2016 – the Committee had met 3 times and the selection process is almost finalized, the only building to complete the selection for is CB. 


            H.  Shipping and Receiving employees have requested an update in regards to the

            unevern/broken surface in front of Shipping and Receiving area. Because the area is

            uneven/broken it creates a tipping hazard for the forklift.  The use of forklift in this area has been stopped until such time, as the area is fixed. Hugh advised that Physical Plant management were in the process of obtaining prices and the expectation is that the area will be fixed this summer.

            July 21, 2016 – work on this will begin very soon.

            October 27, 2016 – the work has been completed.


            J.  At the last meeting Brenda raised a concern about lack of lights in the Senate bathrooms and the kitchenette. This concern has been addressed with temporary lights installation. This was a direct result of the work being done on OneStop.  The work on OneStop is moving well and the permanent lighting should be returning soon.


            K.  TSC raised a concern in regards to chained chairs in certain lecture halls. Ursula advised that those chairs are there as a result of specific accommodation issues. They must remained fastened to the floor as they are specialized chairs and people tend to “move them out” to different locations.



Injury Report;


No injuries to report this period


Near Misses:


Nothing to report



Inspections Outstanding;

  • Forestry Garage
  • University Centre (Rob & Mike)
  • Residence (Brian & Ursula & hskp employee on days)
  • 874 Tungsten St



New Business:


A.  Mike Davis brought up the following issue. Last October 2015 Security had requested the

 Director of Security and the VP Administration and Finance for body armour. The Director of

Security has responded that the decision rests with the AVP of Human Resources and VP

 Admin and Finance.  To date no answer has been given to the Security staff.  Security is

requesting soft body armour under the auspice of safety for the officers.


B.  There is awater main leak between the bridge and the field house. It is a relatively big

project in terms of digging especially since the hole will be very deep. Will have to take special

when boarding it up.


C.  Updates on other projects;

Financial Services project has started, completion date end of November as the CNFER

work must begin in the new year.


Ground floor library work completion date expected mid November.


D.  TSC employee advised that she did not receive a copy of the MSDS sheet for the lacquer

which was used in the basement of the Library in August of this year.  Ursula will resend a copy.

The employee also raised concerns about notification to employees if asbestos removal work is

being conducted in a building.  Ursula will speak to Shanon Arnold.


F.  Hazardous materials training (2 sessions, 2 days each) will be conducted at the end of 

November and beginning of December.  Members of physical plant, TSC and residence are

expected to attend.



Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, November 17, 2016 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at

9:00 a.m.


Office and Classrooms

Thursday, September 29, 2016 - 3:15pm
Human Resources Meeting Room

Retail and Physical Support Service

Thursday, August 11, 2016 - 9:00am
AV Physical Plant Meeting Room

Present: Mike Davis, Brenda Rojik, Hugh Briggs, Ursula MacDonald, Frank Fabiano, Steve Girvin


Regrets:  Brian Cox, Rob McCluskey, Stan Nemec, Fred Plank,



OLD Business:


            A.  Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.


            B.  Matt advised that at times radios do not work in PACI especially in the basement/chiller room.

            One way to address this problem is to install a hard wired phone.  Steve will put in a work order in to have a phone installed in this area.


            April 21, 2016 – a phone has been installed in this location. A discussion was held and Fred advised that the issue with the radios will continue in certain areas.  The radio system is older and it will require a significant amount of money to purchases a new system.  Steve advised that many of his staff have started carrying cell phones.  Steve will speak with Hugh to develop a communications strategy, perhaps the way to deal with this issue are cell phones.


            C.  Hugh advised of the following projects;


One stop initiative – the first priority to move all current occupants to allow for asbestos abatement in the area.


July 21, 2016 update – the current occupants have now been moved and the asbestos abatement is underway.


            D.  Hugh advised that a list from the 2015 asbestos audit will be complied in the next             month or so.  This list identifies areas with highest priority for asbestos abatement.  Any             work from this list will start in the new fiscal year (May 01, 2016.)

            July 21, 2016 update- the 2016 audit is on underway, the physical examination of the             campus has begun.




E.  The Asbestos Management program at Lakehead University is under review. An external consultant has been hired.  The consultant has visited the campus and will write his report based on information gathered.  This review was initiated by the Office of the President and as such it will be shared with the Senate and all other parties involved.  The consultant hired to undertake this work is Pinchin Environmental.  April 21 – Steve advised that the report is completed and it is with Sr. management for a review.


F.  Ursula reminded everyone that a while ago she send a copy Terms of Reference for the Committee. She has requested that members of the Committee please read the document before the next meeting so that we can review them and update as needed.  June 21, 2016 –the Committee has requested that Ursula review the document and then advise of the need changes at the next JHSC meeting. 

July 21, 2016 update – Ursula will ask the Committee once again for comments, if no comments are received by next meeting the Terms will be posted with the new changes.


G.  Steve also spoke about the new hearing protection regulation. Ursula will look into this further to see how it effects LU and we can discuss it at the next meeting. The changes come into effect July 01, 2016.  Will discuss it further at the next meeting when all members of the Committee are present.


H.        Rob has been tasked with requesting IUOE to elect another member for the JHSC

committee now that Matt has left the University.


I.   Hugh spoke about taking dust samples to test for asbestos content in CB, UC and Ryan

Building. As part of review undertaken by Pinchen the University will test various locations for

asbestos content in settled dust.  Hugh would like 2 members from each JHSC committee to

volunteer to be a part of sub-committee which will then make recommendations on locations for

testing.  Pinchn has on recommended testing at least 3 areas per each air handling

unit. Members interested in being on the sub-committee please contact Ursula.

July 21, 2016 update – all Committees have now selected members who will be part of this sub-

Committee and Hugh will schedule a meeting of this group very soon.


3.  Shipping and Receiving employees have requested an undate in regards to the

unevern/broken surface in front of the Shipping and Receiving area. Because the area is

uneven/broken it creates a tipping hazard for the forklift and the use of the forklift in this area has

been stopped until such time, as the area is fixed. Hugh advised that Physical Plant

management were in the process of obtaining prices and the expectation is that the area will be

fixed this summer.

July 21, 2016 – work on this will begin very soon.


Injury Report;


No injuries to report this period


Near Misses:


Nothing to report




Inspections Outstanding;

  • Forestry Garage
  • University Centre (Rob & Mike)
  • Residence (Brian & Ursula & hskp employee on days)
  • 874 Tungsten St



New Business:


1.  The renovations on the Library’s ground floor continues.  The contractor used what was

determined later as lacquer spraying it so that it would keep chalk lines in place, the lacquer had

a strong odour causing the employees on the 1st floor discomfort, including headaches and

nausea.  A member of the health and safety committee discovered that it was the lacquer

causing the problem and directed the contractor to stop using it immediately.


Hugh wanted to remind the Committee that no one should be accessing an active construction 

zone without the assistance of physical plant.  Ursula also wanted to remind everyone that

Security and Health and Safety should be contacted as soon as possible so they to try to provide

some assistance.


2.  Brenda asked about vents in a bathroom where the housekeeping were asked to clean the

vents and she wanted to know if it was safe for them to do so.  Steve explained that they were

asked to vacuum the vents and not go into them.  Hugh advised that if employees are in anyway

concerned about a task they are asked to complete, to always speak to the supervisor.





Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, September 15, 2016 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at

9:00 a.m.

Office and Classrooms

Friday, June 3, 2016 - 10:00am
HR Meeting Room

Click here for minutes.

Health and Safety Committee Meeting Retail and Physical Support Service

Thursday, April 21, 2016 - 10:00am
AV Physical Plant Meeting Room

Present: Steve Girvin, Stan Nemec, Fred Plank, Mike Davis, Brian Cox


Regrets:  Rob McCluskey, Brenda Rojik, Matt Serino, Hugh Briggs



OLD Business:


  1.        A.  Ursula spoke about GHS. The Ontario legislation has now been passed.  Ursula        will updated the Committee more about this at the next meeting including any updates     on training.


            B.  Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.


            C.  Matt advised that at times radios do not work in PACI especially in the basement/chiller room.

            One way to address this problem is to install a hard wired phone.  Steve will put in a work order in to have a phone installed in this area.


            April 21, 2016 – a phone has been installed in this location. A discussion was held and Fred advised that the issue with the radios will continue in certain areas.  The radio system is older and it will require a significant amount of money to purchases a new system.  Steve advised that many of his staff have started carrying cell phones.  Steve will speak with Hugh to develop a communications strategy, perhaps the way to deal with this issue are cell phones.


            D.  Hugh advised of the following projects;


  • One stop initiative – the first priority to move all current occupants to allow for asbestos             abatement in the area
  • ELP (English language program) – will be vacating the space in PACI but at this time no alternate location has been selected


            E.  Hugh advised that a list from the 2015 asbestos audit will be complied in the next             month or so.  This list identifies areas with highest priority for asbestos abatement.  Any             work from this list will start in the new fiscal year (May 01, 2016.)


            F.  The Asbestos Management program at Lakehead University is under review. An             external consultant has been hired.  The consultant has visited the campus and will write his report based on information gathered.  This review was initiated by the Office of the President and as such it will be shared with the Senate and all other parties involved.  The consultant hired to undertake this work is Pinchin Environmental.  April 21 – Steve advised that the report is completed and it is with Senior management for a review.


5.  Ursula reminded everyone that a while ago she send a copy Terms of Reference for the Committee. She has requested that members of the Committee please read the document before the next meeting so that we can review them and update as needed.


6.  Hugh advised thatLakehead University Physical Plant has determined that removing all or part of a false ceiling to obtain access to a work area in the CB, UC or RB buildings is likely to have asbestos containing materials lying on the surface of the false ceiling.  This is due to the age of the spray fire proofing material that has been used in CB, UC and RB.  Ontario Regulation 278/05 Asbestos Table 2 stipulates which type of respirator is required to be used upon the work category.  For the work described above an air purifying full-facepiece respirator with N-100, R-100 particulate filter is required. For further clarification please review the attached excerpts from the Regulation. Please also review the entire Regulation. Two attachments with the information will be provide with these minutes on this subject.


Injury Report;


January – none


February – none


March – 1 lost time (1.5 days). Employee (admin. asst) fell in parking lot 5 during a bad winter storm.  Employee hurt right hip and lower back.  Continues to seek treatment but has returned to work.

March – Medical aid. Employee (shipping and receiving) while working with another employee unloading a cart from a shipping truck, the cart unexpectedly bounced off the ground. The handle of the cart struck the employee on the right cheek below the eye. The employee required stiches.


Near Misses:

Jan – none


Feb – a library assistant slipped and fell and hit head at the Circulation desk. The fall may have been caused by the loose gravel on the floor in front of the circulation desk.


March – Electrician scraped the top of the right hand between the thumb & pointer finger when removing a fuse in a very tight area. The employee was reminded by his supervisor to ensure to wear gloves which can protect the hands.


March – Housekeeping employee (residence). Employee on ice on the roadway on the way to work when crossing from parking lot. Employee hurt right side of her back, elbow and left shoulder.


March – Employee from a mechanical group twisted lower back when throwing out some old tubing into a BFI bin. It appears that there was ice buildup around the BFI bin causing the employee to slip and fall.


March – Housekeeping employee reported that she had injured herself while working on an event off campus. She stated that she pulled something in her back.


April – Faculty (NRM). Employee slipped on icy surface outside the MVA building. Employee advised that he had a sore right knee.


April – Mail Room & Print shop. Employee fell on icy surface outside the print shop. Employee advised that he had a sore right knee.


April – Admin. Asst. Nursing – Employee slipped on icy surface in the parking lot. Not certain of the injury.



Inspections Outstanding;

  • Library  (Mike & Ursula)
  • Forestry Garage & Greenhouse (Matt & Stan)
  • University Centre (Rob & Mike)
  • PACI (Fred & Steve)


New Business:


1.         Steve spoke about upcoming projects. 


Physical Plant will be digging a hole to replace a hydrant on Rheume Street which will involve closing part of the street to all traffic.

There will also be digging going on in parking Lots 13 & 14


2.         Steve also spoke about the new hearing protection regulation. Ursula will look into this             further to see how it effects LU and we can discuss it at the next meeting. The changes             come into effect July 01, 2016.


3.         Stan brought up the issue of possibly changing the time of the safety meeting to 10:00   a.m. as the 9:00 a.m. comes into a conflict for Stan with another meeting.



Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, May 19, 2016 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at 9:00 a.m.


Joint Employee-Management Occupational Health & Safety Committee Office and Classrooms

Friday, August 5, 2016 - 10:15am
HR Meeting Room



Employee Members                                                                   Management Members

Cindy Haggerty (COPE)                                               Leslie Malcolm, Director (CEDL)

Shanon Arnold (Schedule II)                                                                     

Deli Li (LUFA)

Laura Rovere (Schedule II)                                                                 Regrets

Sue Viitala (Schedule II)


Ursula MacDonald (Ex-Officio member)


1.         Outstanding Business


A)  Shanon spoke about Asbestos Audits.  The 2016 list from the 2015 asbestos audit is now being created and once that is completed, the work will begin in the 2016/2017 fiscal year.

Aug.05, 2016 – no new updates Shanon is continuing to work on the list.


B)  The 2016 asbestos audit is still on going.  Shanon proceed to explain to Deli and Laura how the asbestos audit works and what it is exactly as they were not clear on the process.

Aug.05, 2016 – the audit is ongoing. The contractor is physically on campus for this purpose.


C)  Ursula spoke about wanting to organize a wellness fair sometimes in the fall that is geared toward the employees. Ursula requested that employees speak to their respective units and email their suggestions as to the kind of services the employees would like to see at the fair.


2.   Inspections


  • Next inspections for: 
  • Residence Offices, Ryan Building, Braun Building,
  • Greenhouse, PACI, Nursing Building, Lot 5 Research
  • Library, Field/Hangar


3.  Injury and Accident Reports


  • Library employee – a book cart began to flip over and a large book fell onto the employee’s foot.  The foot swelled and it was sore.  The employee went to ER a week later as the foot was still very sore and mushy where the book fell. (Medial Aid.)


  • External Affairs – while travelling on business the employee’s foot was run over by a taxi. Fortunately, the employee was fine and did not require medical attention.


Ergonomic Assessments; 


So far this year, (end of July) we have had 16 ergonomic assessments completed with many purchases of new chairs, keyboard trays and some other small items.


4.   New Business/Open Discussion


1.  Chris Brassard. Office of Human Resources made the following presentation;


Bill 132 (Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan) received Royal Assent on March 8, 2016. As a result, there are obligations for employers (and universities specifically) related to the harassment and sexual harassment.

There are 2 policies that need to be updated - our Harassment & Discrimination policy and procedure (for September 8, 2016 implementation) and updates to our sexual violence policy (for January 1, 2017 implementation).

The focus of the presentation to the JHSC is the updates required to the Harassment & Discrimination policy. This policy is to apply to staff and students.

The following updates are to be made by September 8, 2016:


1) OHSA’s definition of “workplace harassment” is being expanded to include (a) engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or (b) workplace sexual harassment. The amendment also specifically notes that a “reasonable action” taken by an employer or supervisor relating to the management and direction of workers or the workplace is not workplace harassment. 


2) The bill requires a review of the policy and procedures annually.  


3) Employers must provide training and instruction to their workers on their workplace harassment policy and program.


4) We need to update our policy to reflect current prohibited grounds for example gender identity, etc. 


An updated policy was circulated to the various JHSCs. The items noted above were updated as well as updating the policy to confirm compliance with both the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Ontario Health and Safety Act. Further, the position "Harassment and Discrimination Coordinator" was updated to "Director, Human Rights and Equity."

The policy was previously drafted with language relating to the investigation process and training. This as a responsibility is anticipated to rest with the Director, Human Rights and Equity. HR may assist with this process.



2.  It was confirmed that the following persons were;

Management Chair – Leslie Malcolm (Director, CEDL) and Shanon Arnold as the Worker Chair.  The Committee also spoke about having some members attend the next available certification training which now takes 5 (five) days. Ursula will check and advise the Committee members of time and dates.


3.   Ursula advised that Physical Plant will begin testing dust for asbestos content in CB, UC and Ryan Building.  As part of the review undertaken by Pinchin the University will test various locations for asbestos content in settled dust.  Hugh would like 2 members from each JHSC to volunteer to be a part of sub-committee which will then make recommendations on locations for testing.  Pinchin has recommended testing at least 3 areas per each air handling unit. Members interested in being on the sub-committee please contact Ursula.


4.   As everyone is aware work on One Stop has begun. Part of the ceiling in the Finance Office has asbestos. A concern has been raised that vibrations from the construction above (in the One Stop) is shaking/loosening asbestos in the ceiling of Finance. The University has undertaken daily air quality and thus far there are no concerns. All air quality reports are available from Physical Plant or HR/HS for a complete review. All copies of reports are shared with Finance as they become available.


5.  Ursula provided the Committee with copies of a letter from Dr. Lionel Catalan regarding a safety concern he has raised about the ceiling in front of his office.  As the Committee had many questions and wanted to focus entirely on the letter a special meeting of the Committee was called for Wednesday, August 10, 2016




Next meeting:    End of September, Date to be determined

                            Time:  10:00 a.m. in HR meeting room

                            Human Resources Meeting Room

Labs and Studios Minutes

Friday, May 20, 2016 - 9:00am
AT 3004

Present:           E. Searle, M. Moore, T. Moore, C. Surette, J. Joncas, J. Sylvestre, M. Sorokopud, T. Alderson, F. Appoh, K. Bhatia

TIME Commenced:     9:01 AM

1.0   Agenda : None

2.0   Review of Minutes : Deferred

3.0   Inspection Report: Deferred

4.0   Injury Report : None

5.0   Old Business:

5.1   Chem Stores Vault Fan – update deferred.

6.0   New Business:

6.1   Field work safety – Dean of Humanities requests to add committee member.  Work ongoing

6.2   Housekeeping Instructions – Labs without Instruction signs will not be cleaned.

6.3   HPTA – Application submitted, and we are awaiting review; considered compliant until notified otherwise.

6.4   Muffle Furnace in Biology – Current ventilation unsuitable and the unit requires a fume hood.

6.5   New Health & Safety Training Course

6.5.1          Now self-enrolment

6.5.2          Self-select appropriate stream based on position on campus

6.5.3          Only appropriate material is revealed, based on chosen stream.

6.5.4          Non-L akehead personnel can get username from CEDL.

7.0   Other Business: None

8.0   Next Inspections:

8.1   PaleoDNA – KB/MM

8.2   Geology – JS/CS

8.3   Instrumentation - TBD


9.0   Adjournment:  9:24 AM
