Accommodations for Employees

Creating an inclusive and supportive work environment is a priority for Lakehead University. We recognize that employees may, at times, experience medical conditions that require workplace adjustments to enable them to perform their essential job functions effectively. This program outlines the process for requesting and implementing workplace accommodations for medical reasons. We are committed to working collaboratively with employees to identify reasonable accommodations that address their individual needs while providing the transformative student experience Lakehead University is known for. We encourage open communication and transparency throughout this process and assure employees that all medical information shared will be treated with strict confidentiality.

*Accommodations for employees based on disability, religion/creed, or family status are accessible through the Office of Human Rights and Equity - OHRE.


The guiding principles of the Employee Medical Accommodation program are detailed in the Accommodation for Employees with Disabilities Policy and Procedure (temporary and permanent, work and non-work related) found here.


Employees experiencing challenges in their work due to their medical conditions (temporary or permanent) can access accommodation plan development through the Office of Human Resources - Health and Safety.  Generally, creation of an individualized accommodation plan follows the process.

Disability is temporary

The accommodation plan will conclude based on the date indicated by the practitioner, 6 months, or 1 year, whichever duration is the shortest.  If the accommodation is required to extend beyond the approved duration, additional medical documentation may be required. The employee is encouraged to contact the Office of Human Resources - Health and Safety as early as possible to ensure the plan's continuance as needed. 

Disability is permanent

The Office of Human Resources - Health and Safety will contact the employee annually to review the employee's current needs and restrictions/limitations.  Should restrictions/limitations remain consistent, the plan will continue without revision.  Should the employee's restrictions/limitations change and require additional accommodations, follow-up medical documentation may be required.


Frequently Asked Questions