International Archaeology Day at Lakehead University a Success
Last Friday, November 8th 2013, the department of Anthropology in collaboration with organizations such as the Ontario Archaeological Society and the Lakehead University Anthropology Association hosted the first International Archaeology Day at Lakehead University. In attendance were numerous students from the local high schools, as well as people from the local community and students from the campus. Students were exposed to exhibits showcasing various artifacts from our region and around the world. Students and members of the university community were able to meet several archaeologists and talk to many students working on their research in archaeology.
In addition, students were able to participate in learning about the various techniques and sub-disciplines of archaeology such as Zooarchaeology, Osteoarchaeology, Forensic Archaeology, Experimental Archaeology, Archaeobotany, and Geoarchaeology.
Several exhibits also showcased some of the local archaeology that has been in the news in the recent years while others included activities to stimulate the students' interest through flintknapping, shaking a screen to find artifacts, making rock art, learning about DNA and bones, using microscopes to discover what fossils in plants look like and learning about which rocks people would have used to make stone tools.