Criminal Records Check (Annual Requirement)

Criminal Records Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS)

What is a vulnerable person?

Vulnerable individuals are people who, because of their age, disability (or other circumstances), and whether temporary or permanent, are in a position of being harmed by persons in a position of authority or trust.
Since you will be servicing vulnerable individuals, you must have the Criminal Records Check (CRC) with the Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS) done.

How often do I need to get a CRC with VSS?

The CRC VSS is an annual requirement for the BScN program and must cover the full academic year.  

What if I am under 18 years of age?

Most Police agencies will not provide a CRC VSS unless you are 18 years or older.  Students in first year who are not yet 18 are to complete the "Interim Criminal Offence Declaration" which can be found under "Forms".  You will need to apply for your CRC VSS when you turn 18 and submit to Synergy when received.

How do I provide my police service with proof that I need a CRC VSS?

Please be aware that most police authorities require you to obtain a support letter from Lakehead University before they will provide the Vulnerable Sector Screening.  This support letter can be located under the "Forms" Tab, or here

Which police service do I request my CRC VSS from?

You must apply to the Police Agency where you currently live.  If you are living out of town, you cannot apply with Thunder Bay Police.  Once you are living in Thunder Bay attending school you can, at that point, apply for your CRC VSS with Thunder Bay Police.  The Thunder Bay police refer to the CRC VSS as "Level 3:Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC)".

What if I live in the city of Toronto?

If you are completing your CRC through the Toronto Police Service you will need apply online.  Please use this link for more information and to access the online application website. You will need to apply with the Lakehead University School of Nursing agency code which is just below. 


What details should I complete on the VSS form?

When completing the application for CRC with VSS, under "Reason for Request", select "Other" and write "unpaid student placement". 

Under the description of the paid or volunteer position write "Student Practicum" and the name of your BScN program. 

Under Name of Employer or Organization write "Lakehead University School of Nursing".

Under "which of the vulnerable sector will you be working/volunteering with" check off all that applies to the program. 

Under "description and details" write "Will be performing nursing duties in a hospital or related facility as it pertains to the practicum and will be in direct contact with vulnerable persons".

How long does it take to process a VSS report?

The processing of VSS can take quite a long time and processing times differ between Police Services. At peak times (mid April to July) some checks can take anywhere from 2 to 10 weeks to receive. We strongly recommend that you contact your local police service to determine what forms you may need to complete and how long it will take to process your VSS.
** Note: the RCMP does have a VSS mandate, which states if your date of birth and gender matches an individual in the Sex Offender Database, your fingerprints will be required. This situation can take weeks to resolve and is subject to an additional expense.

 What if I already have a CRC-VSS?

Your CRC with VSS must cover the full academic year (September - April).  If you have a current CRC with VSS (done for an employer or volunteer position) and it will remain valid through your full academic year, you may use that check for Nursing.  

What if I have a positive Criminal Records Check?

Contact the School of Nursing directly: Phone: +1 (807) 343-8395