N95 Mask Fit Testing

Students are required to be fitted with protective masks prior to commencing clinical practicums, with proof of testing submitted prior to the documentation deadline. 

 Mask Fit Testing is mandatory every two years.  Students entering into Year 1 must be tested and 2 years later a retest is required. 

Students coming into the program can provide an existing mask fit certificate as long as it covers the full upcoming academic year.  

Students who require a religious exemption should contact the School of Nursing for more information. 

 The list below of available mask sizes is subject to change.  

3M-1870+ is the preferred mask of our local placement agencies. Fit testing with this size must be tried first before any other sizes.

3M-1860 or 3M-1860s is acceptable if a fit test is failed with the 3M-1870+ size.

The V-flex 1804 and V-flex 1804s are only acceptable if a fit test is failed with all of the above sizes. The V-flex masks are considered special order by our local hospital and are not readily available hospital-wide for students to use while in placement.
The 3M-1870 (not to be confused with the 3M-1870+) and 3M-8210 are no longer available from 3M; these masks are not acceptable.

Students who do an out of town placement in their final year will have to ensure that the mask they were fitted with is used in that organization.

Mask fit testing is offered on campus, please watch for emails to come.