Start Terms For Academic Programs

The Calendar year is divided into three terms:

  • Fall term (September - December)
  • Winter term (January - April)
  • Spring/Summer term (May - August)

Each term is approximately 13 weeks.

Program Start Terms
Archaeological Science - MastersX   
Biology - MastersXXX 
Biotechnology - PhDXXX 
Business - MBA Part-timeXX  
Business - MBA & MScMgtX   
Chemistry - MastersXXX 
Chemistry & Materials Science - PhDXXX 
Computer Science - MastersX   
Economics - MastersX   
Education - MastersXXX 
Educational Studies - PhD  X (July term) 
Engineering: Chemical - MastersXXX 
Engineering: Civil - MastersXX 
Engineering: Civil - PhDXXX 
Engineering: Electrical & Computer - MastersXX 
Engineering: Electrical & Computer - PhDXX 
Engineering: Environmental - MastersX 
Engineering: Mechanical - MastersXX 
Engineering: Mechanical - PhDXX 
English and Cultural Studies - MastersX   
Environmental Studies - Masters
(Geography & Anthropology) 
Forestry - Masters - Course - Master of Forest ManagementXX  
Forestry - Masters - Thesis - Master of Science in ForestryXXX 
Forest Sciences - PhD in Natural Resources ManagementXXX 
Gender and Women's Studies - Specialization *X   
Geology - MastersXXX 
Gerontology - Specialization *XX X 
Health Sciences - MastersX   
Health Sciences - Doctoral
History - MastersX  
Kinesiology - MastersX   
Kinesiology - Graduate DiplomaX   
Mathematics - MastersX   
Nursing - Advanced Practice Specialization - Masters
Nursing - Nurse Practitioner Specialization - Masters
Physics - MastersXX  
Psychology: Clinical - Masters & PhDX   
Psychology: Psychological Science/Experimental - Masters & PhDX   
Public Health - MastersX   
Social Justice - MastersX   
Social Work - MastersX   
Sociology - MastersXX  

* When submitting an application to include the specialization in either Gerontology or Gender and Women's Studies, please refer to the Master's program for the available application start terms.