(OR) Coffee Break at Heritage Place

Calling all teaching candidates! Drop by for a coffee/snack and learn more about Student Health and Wellness Services and Supports and the programming that we plan to offer this upcoming year.
Calling all teaching candidates! Drop by for a coffee/snack and learn more about Student Health and Wellness Services and Supports and the programming that we plan to offer this upcoming year.
Calling all teaching candidates! Drop by for a coffee/snack and learn more about Student Health and Wellness Services and Supports and the programming that we plan to offer this upcoming year.
Join us outside Simcoe Hall for some outdoor games, a drop-in yoga class, and to find out how to get active and involved with Athletics and Recreation at Lakehead. Learn about the fitness facilities, intramural sports and fitness programming on campus, meet reps from Lakehead club sports teams and student clubs, and learn about the jobs available within Athletics.
Slow down for a minute, unwind by painting a clay pot, and get to know your fellow Thunderwolves. At the end of the event, you'll get an indoor plant to take home in your newly decorated pot. Supplies are limited, first-come first-served.
Join Indigenous Initiatives and Student Health & Wellness for Building a Relationship with Plants & Language in the Medicine Wheel Teaching Garden. We will be identifying and labelling plants in English and Anishnaabemowin, in addition to getting our hands dirty in the garden. Refreshments will be provided! We hope to see you there.
safeTALK is a 4-hour, in-person workshop to build skills in suicide prevention. Participants will learn how to recognize and engage with someone thinking about suicide, overcome attitudes that act as barriers to help, talk openly about suicide and connect with intervention resources for further support.
Through presentations, audiovisuals, small group discussion and scenario practice, you will learn a 4-step TALK model and practical steps to help activate a suicide alert that connects people having thoughts of suicide with more specialized intervention care and relevant resources.
All participants will receive a learning booklet, resources and a Certificate of Completion.
Registration is required, space is limited.
The long weekend is just about here! Join us for mocktails in the Wiigwasitig Gitigaan 'Birch Tree Garden' to kick off the long weekend and learn how to celebrate safely while enjoying the beautiful summer weather. Topics will include: sun safety, staying hydrated, exercising in the heat, safe(r) substance use, and tick safety. Brought to you by Student Health and Wellness and Indigenous Initiatives.
Did you know?? Herbs are super easy to grow and are packed full of nutrients! Herbs can easily be grown indoors all year long, and add a burst of flavour and nutrition to any meal. Join Student Health and Wellness and Indigenous Initiatives in the Wiigwasitig Gitigaan 'Birch Tree Garden' to test out your green thumb and try planting some herbs, then take them home and help them grow. We will also have some delicious recipes available to give you some ideas of how you can use your herbs at home (think savoury sauces, refreshing beverages, and gourmet snacks).
SHOW YOUR PRIDE LAKEHEAD - June 28, 1:00pm - 4:00pm outside the Cafeteria
We want to celebrate PRIDE MONTH! On this day Student Success Centre, Student Health and Wellness, and LUSA join forces to celebrate pride.
Tie-Dye shirts (with your own clothing) to bring out your colours, Ppzza by LUSU and Sexual Wellness Information and Supplies by Student Health and Wellness, and more!
Join Student Health and Wellness and the Office of Indigenous Initiatives for an afternoon of fun and connection in the Wiigwasitig Gitigaan ‘Birch Tree Garden.’ Get your hands dirty in the garden, play some lawn games, or use this as an opportunity to meet new students on campus! There will be awesome giveaways, snacks, refreshments, and great company! We can’t wait to see you there!