
Academic Accommodations are meant to remove barriers and level the playing field for students with temporary and/or permanent disabilities and/or medical conditions while meeting the essential requirements and maintaining the academic integrity of their course or program. Many people assume that unless a disability is visible, it cannot be accommodated. At Student Accessibility Services (SAS) we know that the majority of our students have invisible disabilities and we strive to find accommodations that will remove barriers and level the playing field. For some examples of invisible disabilities see the Invisible Disabilities Information Poster.

What is an Academic Accommodation?

  • Accommodations are provided on an individual basis, supported by each student's disability related functional limitations. A functional limitation is defined as any difficulty in executing routine activities, such as applying knowledge, completing tasks, and maintaining self-care.
  • An SAS Advisor will review medical documentation with the student, which should list your functional limitations and/or outline suggested academic accommodations.
  • Students with functional limitations that impair academic functioning due to mental health disabilities may also request interim accommodations pending receipt of documentation.
  • Accommodations for lectures may include recording of lectures, texts in alternate format and extensions on assignments. Exam and test accommodations may include extra time, alternate setting, and the use of assistive technology. We do not modify any part of the course, the student must meet the essential requirements of the course/program with the accommodations.

Detailed Accommodation Descriptions

Why Register With SAS?

  • As a student with a disability and/or a medical condition it is your right to be accommodated. Your individual functional limitations inform the type of accommodations you will receive.
  • Lakehead University has a duty to prevent discrimination and promote and advance human rights in Ontario.
  • All information and documentation provided to SAS is confidential.
  • Registering with SAS and receiving academic accommodations will not be reflected on your official university records, test results, academic transcripts or graduation documentation.

Now that you know what academic accommodations are you might be wondering how to get registered with Student Accessibility Services. Go to the Get Started with SAS page for your next steps!